Welcome to the Mount Desert Island Genealogy home page.
Purpose of this web page: to provide an accessible source for genealogical information about early (i.e., through the 1850 census) MDI families, including documentation when available, so that no one will have to “reinvent the wheel”. Information about families after 1850 will be posted as it becomes available.
How to contribute: All information (including images) should be e-mailed to info@vfthomas.com or sent by traditional mail to Mount Desert Island families at the address at the top of this page.
To begin exploring the genealogy of some of Mount Desert Island’s families, click on a surname below that you are interested in.
Abbott Ahlblad Albee |
Allen Alley Andrews |
Appleton Arnold |
Ash Atherton |
Callahan Campbell Candage Carpenter Carr Carroll |
Carter Carver Chase Chapman Chipar Clark |
Cleaves Clement Closson Colson Colwell Conners |
Corson Cousins Covel Crane Crockett Cunningham |
Danby Davis Dawes Day |
DeGregoire Dickens Dix Doane |
Dodge Dolliver Dorr Douglass |
Dow Doyle Dunbar Durgin |
Eaton Ellis |
Emerson Emery |
Erickson |
Eveleth |
Falt Farley Farrar Farrell Farrin |
Fennelly Fenno Fernald Finney |
Fish Flye Flynn Fogg |
Fox Freeman Frost Fuller |
Galley Garland Getchell Gilbert Gillcott |
Gilley Gilpatrick Goodridge Googins |
Gott Grace Graten Graves |
Gray Greening Grindle Grover |
Hadley Hadlock Hall Hamblen Hamor Harden |
Harding Harper Havens Haynes Heath Herlihy |
Herrick Higgins Hinckley Hodgdon Hodgkins Holden |
Holmes Hopkins Houghton Hull Hutchinson |
Ingalls |
Jellison |
Johnson |
Jordan |
Joyce |
Kelley Kenison |
Kief Kimball |
King Kittredge |
Knowles Knox |
Ladd Langley Latty Lawler |
Lawton Lear Leffingwell Leland |
Lindsey Liscomb Lopaus Lord |
Loring Lunt Lurvey Lynam |
MacNaughton Manchester March Marcyes Martin Mason |
Mayo McFarland McKenzie Merchant Milan Milliken |
Mills Mitchell Monarch Moon Moore |
Morris Mullin Murch Murphy Musetti |
Newman Newmarch Nickerson |
Nilson Noble |
Norton Norwood |
Noyes Nutter |
Ober |
Ogden |
Paine Parker Partridge Peach |
Peckham Pendleton Perkins Peters |
Pettingill Phillips Phippen/Phippin Pierce |
Pomroy Pratt Pray |
Rafanel Reath Reed Remick Reynolds |
Rich Richards Richardson Rinalda Robbins |
Roberts Robertson Robinson Rodick |
Rogers Romer Rumill Russell |
Tarr Thomas Thompson Thurston |
Tinker Torrey Tracy |
Treat Troy Trundy |
Tucker Turnbull Turner |
Upton |
Verrill |
Wade Walls Walton Ward Wasgatt |
Webster Welch Wentworth West |
White Whitehorn Whitmore Whitney |
Wilcomb Wilson Wincey Wood |
Young |