Gott Genealogy

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 5 July 2024)

Welcome to the Gott family genealogy. Family units are arranged alphabetically by the first name of the father (or single-parent mother). Links are provided to enable you to move up and down each lineage. To follow a line back in time (ancestors), click on the underlined portion of “(son of …)” or “(dau. of …)” beneath the name of the person you want to trace back. To follow a line forward in time (descendants), click on the name of the person whose offspring you want to see. A plus sign (+) following a name means that that person had one or more children, but that family group has not been added to this web page. To view documentation, including census data, click on the link “documentation and notes” below a family.

How you can help. All information, especially source material, for inclusion in this web page should be sent to or mailed to “Gott Genealogy” at the address at the top of this page. And, of course, please report all errors.

A little work by each of us will save a lot of work for all of us.
   Thank you to the late Raymond E. Robbins Jr. for his contributions to this page.

If you wish to explore a different surname, click here.

Stephen, Daniel, and Daniel Gott Jr. were three of 10 signers of a 1768 petition to Governor Bernard of Massachusetts, requesting his intervention in a dispute with people living on the mainland who were cutting hay on Mount Desert Island or stealing hay already cut by the early settlers.

Gott households in 1790 census of the town of Mount Desert free white males 16 and upwards free white males under 16 free white females
Daniel Gott 3 3 4
Daniel Gott Jr. 1 2 3
Joseph Gott 1 1
Nathaniel Gott 1 3
Peter Gott 1 3 4
Stephen Gott 1 1

Subsequent years through 1840 reported the following households:
   1800 Mount Desert: Benjamin (3 persons), Charles (4), Daniel (7), Daniel Jr. (5), John (3), Joseph (7), Nathaniel (9), Peter (13)
   1810 Mount Desert: Benjamin (8), Charles (10), Daniel (4), Daniel (10), David (3), Isaac (3), John (7), Joseph (11), Nathaniel (13), Peter (8), Peter Jr. (2), William (4)
   1820 Mount Desert: Benjamin (12), Daniel (10), Eliab (6), Isaac (10), Joseph (9), Nathaniel (10), Nathaniel 2nd (5), Peter (7), William (7)
   1830 Eden [now Bar Harbor]: Eliab (9)
   1830 Mount Desert: Benjamin (3), Benjamin (13), Isaac (10), Nathaniel (7), Peter (8)
   1837 Mount Desert: Alfred (3), Daniel (5), David (2), Deborah (3), Isaac (6), Isaac Jr. (3), James (6), Joseph (3), Lydia (8), Nathaniel (6). Nathaniel (7), Peter (9), Robert (5), William (10)
   1840 Little Cranberry, Cranberry Isles: Nathaniel (8)
   1840 Mount Desert: Charlotte (3), Daniel (6), David (2), Dewey (6), Isaac (6). Isaac Jr. (3), John (2), Joseph (4), Joseph (6), Lydia (2), Nathaniel (6), Robert (7)
Until the 1850 census, individuals members of a household were reported only by a number in a category (e.g., 3 females under 10).

Ambrose T. Gott
   (son of John M. Gott and Nancy T. [...])
   b. [June 1843 or 1848?]   Maine
   m. 33 y. as of 1900 census
         Anne Dorcas [...]
               b. [1850 or August 1843?]   Maine
               d. 1921
                     bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1900
         bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Rubie M. Gott   b. age 18 m. at death   -   d. 20 March 1870   -   bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Ru[by?] Gott   b. July 1871   Maine   -   m. [...] Carter
   Charles A. Gott   b. [1876 or December 1874?]   Maine   -   d. 1940   -   bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   John B. Gott   b. age 2 y. as of 1880 census   -   d. before 1900 census
   Robert M. Gott   b. [September or December?] 1879   Maine
   Frank W. Gott   b. October 1881   Maine   -   m. 7 August 1909   Lucy M. Mitchell

documentation and notes

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Andrew J. Gott
   (son of Samuel M. Gott and Hannah N. [...])
   b. 18 January 1838   Maine
   m. 36 y. as of 1900 census   
         Caroline Lucy [...]
               b. 24 June 1848   Maine
               d. 17 April 1930
                     bur. Ledgelawn Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   d. 20 December 1914
         bur. Ledgelawn Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

   Hattie R. Gott   b. age 11 y. as of 1880 census   Maine
   Myrtle A. Gott [male]   b. 14 November 1873   -   d. 11 August 1930   -   bur. Ledgelawn Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

documentation and notes

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Berlin A. Gott
   (son of Erastus L. Gott and Rachel W. [...])
   b. 1877   Maine
   m. Blanche H. [...]
            b. 1890
            d. 10 February 1980   Bar Harbor, Maine
                  bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1955
         bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Margaret Gott   b. 31 July 1908   -   d. 11 August 1926   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Russell Lorenzo Gott   b. 1910   -   d. 6 June 1991   Ellsworth, Maine   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

- - - - -

Clayton R. Gott
   (son of Frank W. Gott and Lucy M. Mitchell)
   b. 30 April 1929   Maine
   m. Helen Florence [...]
            b. 1930
            d. 1 February 2005   Bangor, Maine
                  bur. Mountain View Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   d. 25 July 1970   Bangor, Maine
         bur. Mountain View Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

   “baby girl” Gott   [b. and?] d. 18 July 1967   -   bur. Mountain View Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

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Collins M. Gott
   (son of [...])
   m. Elizabeth [...]

   Ruth M. Gott   b. age 5 d. at death   -   d. 17 June 1909   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Avis Gott   b. 1 March 1920   -   d. 15 March 1920   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

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Daniel Gott

   Daniel Gott Jr.
   Betsey Gott   -   m. James Somes

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Daniel Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 48 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Hannah Benson
            (dau. of Benjamin Benson and Hannah [...])
            b. age 65 y., 1 m. at death   Maine
            d. 9 December 1871
                  bur. Benson Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Lucy Gott   b. age 16 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   George A. Gott   b. age 14 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Almena Gott   b. age 30 y., 6 m. at death   Maine   -   d. 19 November 1867   -   bur. Benson Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Caroline Gott   b. age 20 y., 9 m., 15 d. at death   Maine   -   d. 2 January 1862   -   bur. Benson Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Austin W. Gott   b. age 4 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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David Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 38 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Susan B. [...]
            b. age 37 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Adelma A. Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Verranas D. Gott   b. age 6 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Sarah A. Gott   b. age 3. y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Elmira [L. or C. or E.?] Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Osmond D. Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Aurilla A. Gott   b. age 6 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Douglas A. Gott
   (son of Ronald W. Gott and Ava B. Rumill)
   b. 4 April 1934   Tremont, Maine
   m. 23 June 1957   Deer Isle, Maine
         Sylvia B. Howard
               b. 10 April 1936
               d. 5 January 2014   Seal Cove, Tremont, Maine
                     bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 5 November 2011   Tremont, Maine
         bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Timothy H. Gott   m. 26 August 1978   Beth C. Minctons
   Thomas Edward Gott   m. 10 November 1990   Tammy Lynn Stockbridge
   Peter D. Gott   m. 19 August 1989   Jennifer M. Clow

documentation and notes

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Erastus L. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. 1843   Maine
   m. Rachel W. [...]
            b. 1845   Maine
            d. 1901
                  bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1922
         bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   James A. Gott   b. 1865 census   Maine   -   d. 1901   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Martin V. Gott   b. 1867   Maine   -   d. 1898   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Irving Leslie Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1870 census   Maine
   Caddie G. Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1880 census   Maine
   Paris Gott   b. 1873   Maine   -   d. 1898   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   William E. Gott   b. November 1874   Maine   -   m. 24 April 1897   Emma L. Joyce   -   d. 1939   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Berlin A. Gott   b. 1877   Maine   -   m. Blanche H. [...]   -   d. 1955   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

documentation and notes

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Ezra D. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 30 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Adelia [...]
            b. age 22 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Nancy Jane Gott   b. age 8 m. as of 1850 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Frank W. Gott
   (son of Ambrose T. Gott and Anne Dorcas [...])
   b. October 1881   Maine
   m. 7 August 1909
         Lucy M. Mitchell
               b. 1892   Maine
               d. 1965
                     bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   d. 1951
         bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine

   Ronald W. Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1920 census   Maine   -   m. 6 September 1933   Ava B. Rumill   -   d. 7 August 1973   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Annie M. Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1920 census   Maine   -   m. 29 June 1932   Edwin E. Ingalls
   Milton P. Gott   b. 1914   Maine   -   m. 26 December 1932   Celia M. Cousins   -   d. 27 July 1985   Mount Desert, Maine   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Frances C. Gott   b. age 2 y., [?] m. as of 1920 census   Maine   -   m. 29 June 1940   Percy T. Reed   -   d. 25 December 2009   Bar Harbor, Maine
   [Delia or Leola?] M. Gott   b. age 7 m. as of 1920 census   Maine
   Ida M. Gott   b. Maine
   Clayton R. Gott   b. 30 April 1929   Maine   -   m. Helen Florence [...]   -   d. 25 July 1970   Bangor, Maine   -   bur. Mountain View Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

documentation and notes

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Isaac Gott
   (son of [...])
   m. 7 November 1825
         Tryphosa (née Day) Atherton (widow of Thomas Wasgatt Atherton)
               b. 11 December 1794

   Thomas Atherton Gott   b. 6 April 1828
   Hannah Wasgatt Gott   b. March 1830

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Isaac G. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 25 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   m. Maria [...]
            b. age 22 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

   Willard Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Sarah R. Gott   b. age 10 y. as of 1870 census   Maine 

documentation and notes

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Israel L. Gott
   (son of James S. Gott and Huldah [...])
   b. [1839 or May 1841?]   Maine
   m. 30 y. as of 1900 census
         Eliza S. [...]
               b. [1848 or January 1849?]   Maine
               d. 1924
                     bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1920
         bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Solomon G. Gott   b. age 32 y., 2 m., 15 d. at death   Maine   -   d. 9 July 1895   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Sylvester L. Gott   b. 1865   Maine   -   m. Esther [F. or O.?] [...]   -   d. 1957   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   William E. Gott   b. 1867   Maine   -   m. Gertrude M. [...]   -   d. 1954   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Joel Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1870 census   Maine
   May R. Gott   b. age 35 y., 8 m., 3 d. at death   Maine   -   m. [...] Bunker   -   d. 3 March 1906   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Anna M. Gott   b. 1871   Maine   -   d. 1944   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Abbie B. Gott   b. April 1873   Maine   -   m. 9 y. as of 1900 census   Clarence A. Turner   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Cora E. Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1880 census   Maine
   Estella B. Gott   b. age 3 y. as of 1880 census   Maine
   Heman L. Gott   b. 1879   Maine   -   d. 1963   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Logan Garfield Gott   b. 1881   Maine   -   m. 1 January 1907   Lena M. Savage   -   d. 1958   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Augustus A. Gott   b. [1885 or June 1884?]   Maine   -   d. 1955   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Lewis C. Gott   b. June 1888   Maine

documentation and notes

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James S. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 42 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. Huldah [...]
            b. age 41 y. as of 1850 census   Maine

   Robert Gott   b. age 20 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   James Gott Jr.   b. age 18 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Francis Gott   b. age 16 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Benjamin Gott   b. age 13 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Philip Gott   b. age 11 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Israel L. Gott   b. [1839 or May 1841?]   Maine   -   m. 30 y. as of 1900 census   Eliza S. [...]
   [Juliann or Julia?] Gott   b. age 7 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Rachel Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Solomon T. Gott   b. 1848   Maine   -   m. Collista F. Mullin   -   d. 1924   -   bur. Rich Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Levi Gott   b. age 10 m. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Mary Ann Gott   b. 1853   Maine   -   m. Samuel Torrey   -   d. 1935   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

documentation and notes

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James S. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 40 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   m. Martha [...]
            b. age 36 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

   William Gott   b. age 18 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Edward S. Gott   b. age 16 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Lydia H. Gott   b. age 15 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Frederick R. Gott   b. age 14 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Alonzo Gott   b. age 11 y., 10 m., 28 d. at death   Maine   -   d. 16 August 1862   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Ellen F. Gott   b. age 6 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Roscoe Gott   b. age 4 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   James [M. or L.?] Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Abner E. Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1870 census   Maine
   Alonzo L. Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1870 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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John M. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. 1813   Maine
   m. Nancy T. [...]
            b. age 68 y., 3 m. at death   Maine
            d. 29 July 1888
                  bur. Murphy Hill Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1907
         bur. Murphy Hill Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Benjamin Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Ambrose T. Gott   b. [June 1843 or 1848?]   Maine   -   m. 33 y. as of 1900 census   Anne Dorcas [...]   -   d. 1900   -   bur. Hillrest Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Hannah Gott   b. age 3 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Margaret Gott   b. 1851   Maine   -   m. Isaac S. Murphy   -   d. 1885   -   bur. Babbidge-Murphy Burial Ground   Tremont, Maine
   Catherine Gott   b. age 7 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Harriet Gott   b. age 4 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   John W. Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Benjamin Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1870 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Joseph Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 67 y., 4 m., 19 d. at death   Maine
   m. Martha L. [...]
            b. 1 August 1816   Maine
            d. 1 November 1890
                  bur. Seal Cove Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 20 December 1873
         bur. Seal Cove Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Mildred Gott   b. age 14 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Betsey Ann Gott   b. age 12 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Sarah Jane Gott   b. age 11 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Ezra Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Alpheus S. Gott   b. age 7 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Mary Louisa Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Eben Artemus Gott   b. age 2 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Joseph A. Gott   b. age 3 m. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Franklin P. Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   William G. Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Martha J. Gott   b. age 3 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Lydia M. Gott   b. age 4 m. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Logan Garfield Gott
   (son of Israel L. Gott and Eliza S. [...])
   b. 1881   Maine
   m. 1 January 1907
            Lena M. Savage
                  b. 1888   Maine
                  d. 1955
                        bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   d. 1958
         bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine

   Harold H. Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1920 census   Maine   -   d. 20 October 1989   Bangor, Maine
   Marion T. Gott   b. age 6 y. as of 1920 census   Maine
   Virginia M. Gott   b. age 5 y. as of 1920 census   Maine
   Clarence G. Gott   b. 1917   Maine   -   d. 30 March 1981   Bangor, Maine   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Beatrice Mary Gott   b. 1920   -   d. 1974   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine

documentation and notes

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Robert Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 40 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   m. (1) Rebecca [...]
                  b. age 35 y. at death
                  d. 5 April 1848
                        bur. Old Burying Ground   Southwest Harbor, Maine
         (2) intentions filed 5 January 1849
               certificate issued 19 January 1849
               Lydia M. Ober
                     b. age 73 y., 2 m., 14 d. at death   Maine
                     d. 16 March 1891
                           bur. Old Burying Ground   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   d. [before 1860?]
         bur. Old Burying Ground   Southwest Harbor

children by Rebecca [...]:
   David Gott   b. age 19 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Isaac Gott   b. age 17 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Hiram Gott   b. age 15 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Sylvanus Gott   b. age 13 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Juliet Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Daniel Gott   b. age 7 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
children by Lydia M. Ober:
   Ellen Gott   b. age 1 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Rebecca Gott   b. age 9 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Orlando T. Gott   b. 1854   Maine   -   m. after 1880 census   Ella L. [...]   -   d. 1944   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Josephine Gott   b. age 8 m. at death   -   d. 28 May 1857   -   bur. Old Burying Ground   Southwest Harbor, Maine

documentation and notes

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Robert Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 29 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   m. Eunice [...]
            b. age 20 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

   infant Gott   b. age 2 m. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Ronald E. Gott
   (son of Ronald W. Gott and Ava B. Rumill)
   b. 25 October 1935   Bernard, Tremont, Maine
   m. 15 October 1957
         Barbara Ann Orcutt
   d. 20 September 2012   Bangor, Maine
         bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine

   Ronald E. Gott Jr.   m. Lanan [...]
   Deborah Gott
   Catherine Gott

documentation and notes

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Ronald W. Gott
   (son of Frank W. Gott and Lucy M. Mitchell)
   b. age 9 y. as of 1920 census   Maine
   m. 6 September 1933
         Ava B. Rumill
               (dau. of Arthur H. Rumill and Lelia A. Reed)
               b. 1915
               d. 26 November 1986   Southwest Harbor, Maine
                     bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   d. 7 August 1973
         bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine

   Douglas A. Gott   b. 4 April 1934   Tremont, Maine   -   m. 23 June 1957   Sylvia B. Howard   -   d. 5 November 2011   Tremont, Maine
   Ronald E. Gott   b. 25 October 1935   Bernard, Tremont, Maine   -   m. 15 October 1957   Barbara Ann Orcutt   -   d. 20 September 2012   Bangor, Maine   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Stanley E. Gott   m. 1 October 1966   Sandra F. Norwood
   Hazel I. Gott   m. 19 January 1957   Carroll W. Lunt
   Barbara Gott   m. Wyman Pettigrow

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Samuel M. Gott
   (son of [...])
   b. age 82 y. at death   Maine
   m. Hannah N. [...]
            b. age 82 y., 9 m., 22 d. at death   Maine
            d. 30 December 1899
                  bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 19 November 1895
         bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Andrew J. Gott   b. 18 January 1838   -   m. Caroline Lucy [...]   -   d. 20 December 1914   -   bur. Ledgelawn Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   Susanna Gott   b. age 10 y. as of 1850 census   Maine   -   m. [...] Babbidge
   Sarah R. Gott   b. age 8 y. as of 1850 census   Maine
   Rosetta Standish Gott   b. 1844   Maine   -   m. Dennis Driscoll   -   d. 1924   -   bur. Mount Height Cemetery   Southwest Harbor, Maine
   Stephen Decatur Gott   b. 19 May 1847   Maine   -   m. Sarah M. Murphy   -   d. 6 February 1918   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   William P. Gott   b. age 32 y., 6 m., 11 d. at death   Maine   -   d. 24 April 1883 ("drowned")   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Hannah E. Gott   b. age 7 y. as of 1860 census   Maine
   Lewis F. Gott   b. age 2 y. as of 1860 census   Maine

documentation and notes

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Stephen Decatur Gott
   (son of Samuel M. Gott and Hannah N. [...])
   b. 19 May 1847   Maine
   m. Sarah M. Murphy
            (dau. of Benjamin Murphy and Jane A. Mitchell)
            b. 29 February 1852   Maine
            d. 26 September 1921
   d. 6 February 1918
         bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

adopted child:
   Florence Murphy Gott   b. 1881   -   m. Eugene Stanley   -   d. 27 July 1956

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Sylvester L. Gott
   (son of Israel L. Gott and Eliza S. [...])
   b. 1865   Maine
   m. 25 December 1893
         Esther F. Osier
               b. 1877   Maine
               d. 1957
                     bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1957
         bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Clyde Foster Gott   b. age 1 y., 8 m., 12 d. at death   -   d. 11 January 1903   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Clara G. Gott   b. age [...] as of 1920 census   Maine
   Albert M. Gott   b. 1914   Maine   -   m. Evelyn W. [...]   -   d. 5 October 1976   Bar Harbor, Maine   -   bur. Ledgelawn Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

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William E. Gott
   (son of Israel L. Gott and Eliza S. [...])
   b. 1867   Maine
   m. 5 December 1896
         Gertrude M. Osier
               b. 1882
               d. 1949
                     bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1954
         bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Gladys E. Gott   b. 1897   -   d. 1926   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   Cora K. Gott   b. 1900   -   d. 1918   -   bur. McKinley Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

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William E. Gott
   (son of Erastus L. Gott and Rachel W. [...])
   b. November 1874   Maine
   m. 24 April 1897
         Emma L. Joyce
               b. April 1877
               d. 1954
                     bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine
   d. 1939
         bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

   Charles W. Gott   b. May 1897   Maine
   Bertha M. Gott   b. age 7 m., 18 d. at death   -   d. 14 September 1907   -   bur. Great Gott Island Cemetery   Tremont, Maine

documentation and notes

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