Candage Genealogy

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 20 October 2023)

Welcome to the Candage family genealogy. Family units are arranged alphabetically by the first name of the father (or single-parent mother). Links are provided to enable you to move up and down each lineage. To follow a line back in time (ancestors), click on the underlined portion of “(son of …)” or “(dau. of …)” beneath the name of the person you want to trace back. To follow a line forward in time (descendants), click on the name of the person whose offspring you want to see. A plus sign (+) following a name means that that person had one or more children, but that family group has not been added to this web page. To view documentation, including census data, click on the link “documentation and notes” below a family.

How you can help. All information, especially source material, for inclusion in this web page should be sent to or mailed to “Candage Genealogy” at the address at the top of this page. And, of course, please report all errors.

A little work by each of us will save a lot of work for all of us.

If you wish to explore a different surname, click here.


Byron Whitefield Candage
   (son of [...])
   b. November 1847   Maine
   m. 34 y. as of 1900 census
         Margaret E. Simonton
               b. June 1845   Maine
               d. 1935
                     bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   d. 1925
         bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

   Samuel W. Candage   b. May 1868   Maine   -   m. 5 y. as of 1900 census   (1) Sarah Augusta [...];   (2) Laura M. [...]   -   d. 1935   -   bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   Arthur Hilton Candage   b. April 1871   -   m. 3 y. as of 1900 census   Meda C. Pray   -   d. 1915   -   bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   W. C. Doane Candage   b. January 1884   Maine   -   m. Evelyn H. [...]   -   d. 1957   -   bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine
   Nina B. Candage   b. August 1886   Maine   -   m. John B. Burke   -   d. 1970   -   bur. Seal Harbor Cemetery   Mount Desert, Maine

documentation and notes

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Chester E. Candage
   (son of [...])
   b. 1893
   m. 17 November 1917
         Gladys R. Higgins
               b. 1895
               d. 26 December 1968   Bar Harbor, Maine
                     bur. Hillside Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine
   d. 6 November 1975   Bar Harbor, Maine
         bur. Hillside Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

   Chester E. Candage Jr.   b. 8 October 1923   -   d. 3 September 1984   -   bur. Hillside Cemetery   Bar Harbor, Maine

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