Botanical Latin Translations

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 20 January 2025)

Scirpus articulatus L.

Taxonomic history:
   1753: Linnaeus described this species as Scirpus articulatus in Species Plantarum, 1st ed., p. 47.
   today: The current name for this species is Schoenoplectus articulatus (L.) Palla

original Latin diagnosis
Scirpus culmo tereti nudiusculo semigeniculato, capitulo glomerato laterali.

English translation
Scirpus with the culm terete, nearly bare, [and] somewhat bent; [and] with a capitulum clustered [and] lateral.

English translation with commentary
Scirpus Scirpus
with the culm culmo - ablative singular of second declension masculine noun culmus, -i
terete, tereti - ablative singular masculine of group B adjective teres, -es, -e; modifies culmo
nearly bare, nudiusculo - ablative singular masculine of group A adjective nudiusculus, -a, -um; modifies culmo
[and] [added for smoother reading]
somewhat bent; semigeniculato - ablative singular masculine of group A adjective semigeniculatus, -a, -um
[and] [added for smoother reading]
with a capitulum capitulo - ablative singular of second declension neuter noun capitulum, -i
clustered, glomerato - ablative singular neuter of perfect passive participle of first conjugation verb glomero, -are, -avi, -atum; modifies capitulo
[and] [added for smoother reading]
lateral. laterali - ablative singular neuter of group B adjective lateralis, -is, -e; modifies capitulo

For a list of botanical Latin translations, please click here.         To access the Species Plantarum concordance, please click here.