Taxonomic history:
1753: Linnaeus described this species as Schoenus coloratus in Species Plantarum, 1st ed., p. 43.
today: The current name for this species is Rhynchospora colorata (L.) H. Pfeiff.
original Latin diagnosis
Schoenus culmo triquetro, capitulo subrotundo, involucro longissimo plano variegato.
English translation
Schoenus with the culm three-angle; with the capitulum nearly rotund; [and] with the involucre very long, flat, [and] variegated.
Schoenus | Schoenus |
with the culm | culmo - ablative singular of second declension masculine noun culmus, -i |
three-angled; | triquetro - ablative singular masculine of group B adjective triquetris, -is, -e; modifies culmo |
with the capitulum | capitulo - ablative singular of second declension neuter noun capitulum, -i |
nearly round in outline; | subrotundo - ablative singular neuter of group A adjective subrotundus, -a, -um; modifies capitulum |
[and] | [added for smoother reading] |
with the involucre | involucro - ablative singular of second declension neuter noun involucrum, -i |
very long, | longissimo - ablative singular neuter of superlative degree of group A adjective longus, -a, -um; modifies involucro |
flat, | plano - ablative singular neuter of group A adjective planus, -a, -um; modifies involucro |
[and] | [added for smoother reading] |
variegated. | variegato - ablative singular neuter of perfect passive participle of first conjugation verb variego, -are, -avi, -atum; modifies involucro |