Taxonomic history:
1753: Linnaeus described this species as Salvia nutans in Species Plantarum, 1st ed., p. 27.
today: The current name for this species is Salvia nutans L.
original Latin diagnosis
Salvia foliis cordatis inaequaliter basi excisis, caule subnudo, spicis ante florescentiam cernuis.
English translation
Salvia with leaf blades cordate [and] at the base unequally cut out; with a stem nearly naked; [and] with spikes before the flowering period nodding.
English translation with commentary
Salvia | Salvia |
with leaf blades | foliis - ablative plural of second declension neuter noun folium, folii |
cordate | cordatis - ablative plural neuter of group A adjective cordatus, -a, -um; modifies foliis |
[and] | [added for smoother reading] |
unequally | inaequaliter - adverb; modifies excisis |
at the base | basi - ablative singular of third declension feminine noun basis, basis |
cut out; | excisis - ablative plural neuter of perfect passive participle of third conjugation verb excido, excidere, excidi, excisum; modifies foliis |
with a stem | caule - ablative singular of third declension masculine noun caulis, caulis |
nearly naked; | subnudo - ablative singular of third declension masculine noun caulis, caulis |
with spikes | spicis - ablative plural of first declension feminine noun spica, -ae |
before | ante - preposition (takes accusative) |
the period of flowering | florescentiam - accusative singular of first declension feminine noun florescentia, -ae; object of ante |
nodding. | cernuis - ablative plural feminine of group A adjective cernuus, -a, -um; modifies spicis |