Taxonomic history
1753: Linnaeus described this species as Ribes uva-crispa in Species Plantarum, 1st ed., p. 201 of Ray Society 1957 facsimile.
Today: The current name for this species is Ribes uva-crispa L.
original Latin diagnosis
Ribes racemis aculeatis, baccis glabris, petioli bractea monophylla.
English translation
Ribes with racemes prickly; with berries glabrous; [and] of the petiole with a bract one-leaved.
Ribes | Ribes |
with racemes | racemis - ablative plural of second declension masculine noun racemus, -i |
prickly; | aculeatis - ablative plural masculine of group A adjective aculeatus, -a, -um; modifies ramis |
with berries | baccis - ablative plural of first declension feminine noun bacca, -ae |
glabrous; | glabris - ablative plural feminine of group A adjective glaber, glabra, glabrum |
[and] | [added for smoother reading] |
of the petiole | petioli - genitive singular of second declension masculine noun petiolus, -i |
with a bract | bractea - ablative singular of first declension feminine noun bractea, -ae |
one-leaved. | monophylla - ablative singular feminine of group A adjective monophyllus, -a, -um; modifies bractea |