Taxonomic history:
1753: Linnaeus described this species as Juniperus virginiana in Species Plantarum, 1st ed., p. 1039.
today: The current name for this species is Juniperus virginiana L.
original Latin description
Juniperus foliis ternis basi adnatis: junioribus imbricatis, senioribus patulis.
English translation
Juniperus with leaves in threes, at the base adnate; the younger imbricate, the older spreading.
Juniperus | Juniperus |
with leaves | foliis - ablative plural of second declension neuter noun folium, -i |
in threes, | ternis - ablative plural neuter group B adjective terni, ternae, terna; agrees with foliis |
at the base | basi - ablative singular of third declension feminine noun basis, basis |
adnate; | adnatis - ablative plural of group A adjective adnatus, -a, -um; modifies foliis |
the younger | junioribus - ablative plural neuter of comparative degree of group A adjective juvenis, -is, -e; agrees with foliis |
imbricate, | imbricatis - ablative plural neuter of group A adjective imbricatus, -a, -um; agrees with foliis |
the older | senioribus - ablative plural neuter of comparative degree of group B adjective senex, senex, senex; agrees with foliis |
spreading. | patulis - ablative plural neuter of group A adjective patulus, -a, -um; agrees with foliis |