Bar Harbor Town Records

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 8 October 2023)

Welcome to the Bar Harbor Town Records home page

Purpose of this web page: The purpose of this web page is to present information about the town of Eden, now Bar Harbor—its incorporation, town meetings, and other significant events in its history.

How to contribute: All information, especially source material, for inclusion in this web page should be sent to or mailed to “Maine Town Records to the address at the top of this page.

Eden was taken from the Town of Mount Desert and incorporated on 23 February 1796. Its name was changed to Bar Harbor in 1918.

Note: The text below is an edited transcript of the original records. Changes are made in spelling, punctuation, format, and occasionally wording for clarity, and numbering of items is sometimes added. Images of the original records can be seen by clicking on the link(s) following the heading of each section. Because records of a call to a meeting or of a meeting itself did not always begin on a new page, there will often be extra material on the linked images.

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4 April 1796 - first town meeting; minutes kept by town clerk Thomas Paine (Eden town records, book 1: page 5; page 6)

The inhabitants of the town of Eden met agreeably to the aforesaid warrant and made choices of the following officers for the year ensuing after choosing Capt. Ezra Young moderator, viz.:
   Selectmen - Ezra Young, Levi Higgins, Samuel Hull
   Town treasurer - David Hamor
   Constable - Isaac Higgins
   Surveyors of highways - Thomas Wasgatt Jr., Ebenezer Salisbury, David Hamor, Joseph Mayo
   Surveyors of boards - Ezra Young, Elisha Cousins (but “voted to excuse Mr. Cousins at the adjournment [of] April 18”)
   Surveyor of shingles - David Higgins Jr.
   Surveyor of staves - Henry Knowles
   Fence viewers - Daniel Richardson, Daniel Rodick [Apparently neither was present at the meeting because the records indicate that they “did not appear to take the oath”. Therefore, they were replaced by Jesse Higgins and William Mason at the 18 April 1796 continuation of the meeting.]
   Sealer of leather - Elkanah Young
   Culler of fish - Timothy Smallidge
   Hogreave - Stephen Salisbury
   Pound Keepers - Joseph Mayo, Ebenezer Salisbury
   [portion of town record covered]
   Field drivers - Joseph Mayo, Solomon Higgins
   Tithingmen - Eleazer Higgins, Moses Wasgatt
Also voted ...
   that neat cattle may run at large,
   that swine, being well yoked, may go at large,
   that sheep shall not go at large,
   town meetings in the future shall be held at the dwelling house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury.
   to adjourn this meeting, and it is accordingly adjourned to Monday the 18th day of April, then to meet at the abovesaid Salisbury’s at “10 o' the clock in the forenoon”.

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Call for 18 April 1796 continuation of first town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 7; page 8)
To Israel Higggins, constable of the town of Eden, greeting.
You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of this town to assemble and meet at the house of Ebenezer Salisbury on Monday the 18th day of this instant [i.e., next] April at 10 o' the clock in the forenoon then and there to choose a moderator to regulate the said meeting:
   to vote money to defray the charges of said town and to repair the highways,
   to build and repair bridges in said town,
   to regulate the [boxes?] for jurors,
   to choose a committee to settle accounts with the town of Mount Desert, and
   to vote money for the support of school in said town.
Given under our hand and seal this 4th day of April A.D. 1796
   —Ezra Young, Samuel Hull, Levi Higgins

Constable's returns on back of the warrant. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of said town of Eden to meet at time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.
   —Israel Higgins, constable

18 April 1796 - continuation of first town meeting; minutes kept by town clerk Thomas Paine (Eden town records, book 1: page 8; page 9)
Agreeably to the aforesaid notification, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met and made choices of Ezra Young moderator.
Voted that the town of Eden will take upon themselves the whole matter of building bridges, repairing roads and highways within the limits of the town of Eden, provided that the town of Mount Desert will do the same on their part.
Voted to raise $288 money to be raised and levied on the polls and estates of the inhabitants of this town, viz.:
for ordinary necessary town expenses 60.00
for building a bridge over Northeast Creek and mending other roads if found necessary 160.00
for the support of a town school 60.00
Total 288.00

Stated the price of labor on bridges, roads, and highways at four shillings per day.
Then made choice of Ezra Young, David Hamor, and Joseph Hopkins, committee, to settle accounts with the town of Mount Desert.
Then this meeting was dissolved.

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Call for 7 November 1796 town meeting: (Eden town records, book 1: page 9)
To the constable of the town of Eden, greeting.
This is in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to will and require you forthwith to notify and warn the freeholders and others, the inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified to vote for representatives to the General Court, to assemble and meet at the house [of] Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Monday the 7th day of November next at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to vote for electors of President and Vice President of the United States.
Given under our hands and seal at Eden this 18th day of October 1796.
   —Ezra Young, Levi Higgins

Constable's returns on the back of the above warrant. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.
   —Israel Higgins, constable

7 November 1796 - town meeting; minutes kept by town clerk Thomas Paine (Eden town records, book 1: page 10)
Agreeably to warrant and notification page 9th [see “Call for 7 November 1796 town meeting” above] the inhabitants of the town of Eden met at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury.
Votes were then given and counted and declaration thereof made as the constitution directed, viz.: Selector - for Isaac Parker Esq. 19 votes.

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6 March 1797 - town meeting; minutes kept by town clerk William Mason (Eden town records, book 1: page 10; page 11)
The inhabitants of the town of Eden met agreeably to the aforesaid warrant [not recorded in town records] and made choice of the following officers for the year ensuing after choosing Elisha Cousins moderator, viz.:
   Town clerk - William Mason
   Selectmen - Elisha Cousins, Jesse Higgins, Solomon Higgins
   Constable - Thomas Wasgatt Jr.
   Town treasurer - David Hamor
   Surveyors of highways - Thomas Wasgatt Jr., Levi Higgins, Ebenezer Salisbury, Joseph Mayo, John Thomas
   Surveyor of boards - Moses Wasgatt
   Surveyor of clapboards and shingles - Humphrey Stanwood
   Culler of staves - Joseph Hopkins
   Fence viewers - Jesse Higgins, Seth Doane
   Tithingmen - Daniel Rodick, Joseph Mayo
Also voted ...
   $60 for school in the town,
   swine shall go at large being sufficiently yoked.
The meeting adjourned until the first Monday in April.

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17 March 1797 - report regarding dividing line between Mount Desert and Eden (Eden town records, book 1: page 25)
We the subscribers being appointed to run the dividing line between the towns of Mount Desert and Eden:
   Beginning at the head of the tide at the Sound two rods below the bridge;
   run N [35?]° W to the northernmost point from Goose Marsh Falls, called Spruce Head, to a cedar marked on the four quarters;
   from the foresaid mark at the Sound, S 46° E to the great mountain back of George Richardson's to a spruce tree on the easternmost part of said mountain.
Mount Desert this 17 day of March 1797
   —David Richardson, Jesse Higgins
      Selectmen of Mount Desert and Eden

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Call for 24 April 1797 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 13)
To Israel Higggins, constable of the town of Eden, greeting.
This is in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to will and require you forthwith to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified to vote as the law directs to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury on Monday, the twenty-forth day of this instant [=next] April at ten o'clock before noon then and there to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to choose a clerk,
   3. to choose all other town officers as the law directs,
   4. to vote money to defray the charges of the town,
   5. to vote money for the town school,
   6. to vote money to repair the roads and to build and repair bridges in the town,
   7. to vote the time, when, the place where, and the plan how the bridge shall be built on the Northeast Creek,
   8. to vote who shall order and oversee the work of said bridge,
   9. to vote a time when the highway surveyors shall return their bills to the selectmen, and
   10. to hear petitions and act thereon.
Given under our hand and seal this sixth day of April 1797
   —Ezra Young, Levi Higgins, Samuel Hull

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of said town to meet agreeable to the time and place.
   Eden, April the 24, 1797
      —Israel Higgins, constable

24 April 1797 - town meeting; name of town clerk not given (Eden town records, book 1: page 14; page 15)
At annual meeting holden at Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury's on the twenty-fourth day of April 1797, Mr. Elisha Cousins chosen moderator
Voted that they should be voted by holding up the hand:
   Selectmen - Elisha Cousins, Jesse Higgins, Solomon Higgins
   Treasurer - David Hamor
   Jurors - Selectmen
   Constable - Thomas Wasgatt
   Surveyors of highways - John Thomas, Joseph Mayo, Ebenezer Salisbury, Levi Higgins, Thomas Wasgatt
   Surveyors of boards - Ezra Young, Moses Wasgatt
   Surveyor of clapboards and shingles - Humphrey Stanwood
   Surveyor of staves - Joseph Hopkins
   Fence viewers - Seth Doane, Jesse Higgins
   Tithingmen - John Cousins, Joseph Mayo
   Field driver - Israel Higgins
   Hog reaves - Benjamin Stanwood, Simeon Hadley
Also voted ...
   $60 for the use of the town,
   $60 for school in the town for the year [ensuing?],
   the money that was raised for the last year for the use of the town to be laid out on the Northeast Creek bridge,
   $112 for the use of the town for bridge timber,
   the 2[nd] Monday in June shall begin the Northeast Creek bridge,
   the surveyors shall oversee and order the work on the bridge,
   Joseph Mayo, David Hamor, Eben Salisbury, Thomas Wasgatt shall measure the timber and take deliveries of the same and give receipts there and for.
The meeting adjourned to the 2[nd] Wednesday in May.
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Call for second Wednesday in May 1797 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 16)
Thomas Wasgatt, constable of the town of Eden, greetings in the name of the Commonwealth. You are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified as the law directs to vote for representative, to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury's in said Eden on the second Wednesday in May next and give in their votes on the following question, viz.: Shall application be made to the legislature for the consent to a separation of the District of Maine from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and that the same may be erected into a state;
   2. to vote for a representative to represent us in Congress,
   3. to choose a committee to settle with Mount Desert, and
   4. to see if the town wil agree to build a meeting house.
Given under our hands this twenty-sixth day of April 1797
   —Elisha Cousins, Solomon Higgins

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants the time when and the place where.
      —Thomas Wasgatt, constable

[date not given] - continuation of 24 April 1797 town meeting; name of town clerk not given (Eden town records, book 1: page 17)
At adjournment of a meeting of the male inhabitants of the town of Eden, voted ...
   that the town to petition for their town privileges,
   that the selectment have authority to send on the said petition to the General Court,
   for a separation of the state: yes - 15 votes; nay - 18 votes,
   for representative to represent us to Congress - Isaac Parker, Esq. - 34 votes, and
   committee to settle with the town of Mount Desert - Elisha Cousins, Jesse Higgins, Joseph Hopkins.

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Call for 4 December 1797 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 17; page 18)
To Mr. Thomas Wasgatt Jr., constable of the town of Eden, greetings in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We command you to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified to vote in the choice of town officers to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury on Monday the fourth of December at ten of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting and to choose a town clerk.
Given under our hands this twentieth day of November 1797
   —Elisha Cousins, Solomon Higgins

Constable's return on the back of the warrant: Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the freeholders to meet at the time and place appointed.
      —Thomas Wasgatt [Jr.?], constable

4 December 1797 - town meeting; minutes kept presumably by Elisha Cousins (Eden town records, book 1: page 18)
Agreeable to the foregoing warrant the freeholders met and made choice of Ezra Young moderator and Elisha Cousins town clerk.

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6 February 1798 - miscellaneous reports (Eden town records, book 1: page 18; page 19)
This day reckoned, settled, and balanced all debts, dues, and demands between Mount Desert and Eden, errors accepted. The collectors are to settle immediately with the treasurer of Mount Desert according to their direction in their warrant.
   —Davis Wasgatt, David Richardson of Mount Desert
   —Elisha Cousins, Jesse Higgins of Eden

We the subscribers, being appointed by the towns of Mount Desert and Eden in the County of Hancock to settle all affairs between said towns, and [...?] share seems to be a complaint the town of Eden paying more than their proportion of the state fare, therefore, we, having examined the invoice of the value of each town, find that Mount Desert of good right ought to pay one twenty-fourth part more than Eden.
   Mount Desert, 6 February 1798
      —Davis Wasgatt, Elisha Cousins, Jesse Higgins, David Richardson

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Call for 6 March 1798 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 19; page 20)
To Mr. Thomas Wasgatt Jr., constable of the town of Eden, greetings in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said town of Eden qualified by law to vote in town meeting, viz., such as pay to one single tax besides the poll or polls a sum equal to a single poll tax, to meet and assemble at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Tuesday, the sixth day of March next at ten of the clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles, viz.:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to choose a town clerk,
   3. to choose selectmen,
   4. to choose a constable,
   5. to [choose] all other town officers as the law directs,
   6. to vote money for defraying town charges,
   7. to vote money for school,
   8. to vote money for the repairing highways in said town,
   9. to see if the town will agree to proportion the school money in each district on the scholars from five to twenty-one years of age,
   10. to see what time the town will give to the constable longer than his warrant directs for settling with the treasurer,
   11. to see what the town will do concerning the highway tax bills that are not returned, and
   12. to hear petitions and act thereon. Given under our hand and seals this twentieth day of February one thousand seven hundred ninety eight
   —Elisha Cousins, Solomon Higgins, Jesse Higgins

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants to the time and place appointed.
      —Thomas Wasgatt, constable

6 March 1798 - town meeting; minutes kept by town clerk Elisha Cousins (Eden town records, book 1: page 20; page 21; page 22)
Agreeable to the above warrant, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met at the time and place and made choice of the following officers, viz.:
   Moderator - Capt. Ezra Young
   Town clerk - Elisha Cousins
   Selectmen - David Hamor, Ezra Young, Elisha Cousins
   Treasurer - David Hamor
   Constable - John Thomas
Voted to choose all other officers by hand votes.
   Surveyors of highways - Ezra Leland, Ebenezer Salisbury, Ezra Young, Simeon Hadley
   Surveyors of boards - Ezra Young, Moses Wasgatt
   Surveyor of shingles - Israel Higgins
   Culler of staves - Henry Knowles
   Fence viewers - Seth Doane, Jesse Higgins
   Tithingman - David Higgins
   Culler of fish - Elkanah Young
Also voted ...
   $60 for the school,
   the school money should be proportioned on the scholars from four to twenty-one years of age,
   that the constable should pay in to the treasurer as follows, viz.:
      in three monthly [payments?] after he receives his tax bills,
      one-fourth part of the amount of his sum committed to him, to collect one-fourth part in six months and one-fourth part in nine months and the other fourth part on or before the first day of December following.
Voted to adjourn the meeting to the first Monday in April.
Agreeable to adjournment, the inhabitants met and passed the following votes, viz.:
   for the highway on[e?] dollar on the poll and double that sum on the estates,
   that labor on the highway should be $1 per day.

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Call for 2 April 1798 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 23)
To John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the male inhabitants of the town of Eden of twenty-one years of age and upward having a freehold esate within the commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said [town] on Monday, the second day of April next at ten of the clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for governor, lieutenant governor, senators, and county treasurer, and to choose a moderator,
   2. to see if the town will agree to give a bounty on the killing of bears, wildcats, foxes, and crows, all or any of them as the town shall think proper, and
   3. to pre-fix a time when the highway surveyors shall return their bills.
   Given under our hands and seals this fifteenth day of March 1798
   —Ezra Young, Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.
      —John Thomas, constable

2 April 1798 - town meeting; minutes kept presumably by town clerk Elisha Cousins (Eden town records, book 1: page 24)
Agreeable to the foregoing warrant, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met on the second day of April and passed the following votes:
   His Excellency Increase Sumner for governor - 20 votes,
   Moses Gill for lieutenant governor - 21 votes,
   Honorable Alexander Campbell Esq. for senator - 20 votes,
   Paul Dudley Sargent Esq. for senator - 13 votes,
   Richard Hunnewell for county treasurer - 17 votes,
   Simeon Fowler for county treasurer - 3 votes,
   Moderator - Ezra Young,
Also voted ...
   $2 for the killing of a bear, for as many as shall be killed, in the town of Eden in the year 1798,
   highway surveyors shall return their bills on or before the first day of December, and
   6[...?] a day for [...?] labor on the highways.

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Call for 17 September 1798 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 24; page 25)
To John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified to vote in [a] town meeting to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Monday, the seventeenth day of this instant September at ten of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act on [the] following particulars, viz.:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to see if the town will agree to build the meetinghouse in the place where it is now begun, and
   3. to see if the town will agree to engage with Mr. Ebenezer Eaton for to preach to us after the time is expired that he is now engaged for and to act thereon as shall be though proper.
   Given under our hands and seals this third day of September 1798
   —Elisha Cousins, Ezra Young, David Hamor

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I have duly notified the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Eden according to law.
      —John Thomas, constable

[date not given but presumably 17 September 1798] - town meeting; (Eden town records, book 1: page 25)
The inhabitants met agreeable to the above warrant and voted Capt. Ezra Young moderator and that the selectmen should be a committee to agree with Mr. Eaton and report to the town accordingly.

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Call for 12 March 1799 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 26
To Mr. John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said town of Eden qualified as the law directs to vote for town officers to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Tuesday, the twelfth day of March next, ensuing at nine of the clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following particulars, viz.:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to choose a town clerk,
   3. to choose selectmen,
   4. to choose a constable,
   5. to choose a treasurer
   6. and all other town officers as the law directs,
   7. to vote money for the support of a school,
   8. to vote money to defray town charges,
   9. to see if the town will agree to raise money for to hire a minister this season and act thereon as shall be thought proper, [and]
   10. to see what bounty the town will give for killing bears.
   Given under our hands and seal this twenty-second day of February 1799
   —Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return: Pursuant to the within warrant I duly notified the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Eden to appear at the place and time appointed for said meeting as the law directs.
      —John Thomas, constable

[date not given but presumably 12 March 1799] - town meeting; (Eden town records, book 1: page 27 and page 28)
Agreeable to the foregoing warrant, the inhabitants of the town met and passed the following votes:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, esquire;
   Town clerk - Elisha Cousins;
   Selectmen - Elisha Cousins, David Hamor, Joseph Mayo;
   Constable - John Thomas;
   Treasurer - David Hamor;
   Surveyors of highways - Jesse Higgins, Ezra Leland, David Hamor, Thomas Wasgatt 2nd;
   Surveyors of boards - Moses Wasgatt, Robert Young;
   Surveyor of shingles - Humphrey Stanwood;
   Surveyor of staves and hoops - Henry Knowles;
   Fence viewers - David Higgins, Levi Higgins;
   Tithing men - Nicholas Thomas, Solomon Higgins;
   Culler of fish - Daniel Rodick;
   Pound keeper - Ebenezer Salisbury;
   Field driver - Seth Doane;
   Voted for the school $60;
   Voted for the use of the town $30;
   Voted for the support of the gospel $85; [and]
   Voted that Nicholas Thomas, Col. Cornelius Thompson, [and] Ezra Young, esquire, be a committee for to procure a minister.
Voted to adjourn the meeting to the first Monday of April.

1 April 1799 - continuation of 12 March 1799 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 28)
[T]he freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden met according to adjournment and passed the following vote, viz.:
   that every inhabitant of the town of Eden that should kill a bear in the town of Eden in the year 1799 should receive of the treasurer of the town of Eden $2 as bounty.

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Call for 1 April 1799 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 28 and page 29)
To Mr. John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town of Eden, qualified as the law directs to vote for a representative, to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Monday the first day of April at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following particulars, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to give your vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and Senator,
   3. to vote for a county treasurer,
   4. to consider what money is necessary for the repairs of the highways and [to] vote the same,
   5. to see if the town will consent to lay out a road from the county road to the head of the Northwest Cove where it shall be thought most convenient.
   Given under hand seal this fifteenth day of March 1799
   —Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 29):
Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.
      —John Thomas, constable

1 April 1799 - town meeting; (Eden town records, book 1: page 29)
On Monday the first day of April 1799, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met agreeable to the foregoing warrant and passed the following votes, viz:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, esquire;
   His excellency Increase Sumner for Governor - 17 votes,
   Moses Gill for Lieutenant Governor - 17 votes,
   the honorable Alexander Campbell for Senator - 17 votes,
   Robert Parker Esq. for Senator - 17 votes,
   Simeon Fowler Esq. for ounty treasurer - 18 votes,
Also voted ...
   for the highways $1 on the poll and as much mre on the estate,
   to lay out a road from the county road to the head of the Northwest Cove where it shall be thought most convenient, and
   Ebenezer Salisbury [for?] grand jury.

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Call for 11 April 1799 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 30)
To Mr. John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town of Eden, qualified as the law directs to vote in [a] town meeting, to assemble and meet at the dwelling house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Thursday the eleventh day of April instant at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following particulars, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to consider what method to take to defend the town's privileges and act thereon as shall be thought proper by choosing a committee or any other way that shall appear most expedient,
   3. to see if the town will agree to reconsider the vote that was passed respecting the constable's paying in the money at certain times to the treasurer or leave it with the treasurer as usual,
   4. to vote constable's fees.
   Given under hands and seals this second day of April 1799
   —Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 30):
Pursuant to the within [warrant], I duly notified the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town qualified to vote in the choice of representative to assemble at the time and place appointed according to the within warrant.
      —John Thomas, constable

11 April 1799 - town meeting; (Eden town records, book 1: page 31)
Agreeable to the foregoing warrant, the inhabitants met at the time and place appointed and passed the following votes, viz:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, esquire;
Voted ...
   that all those that had trespassed on the town's property should be prosecuted,
   that three men be a committee,
   that Elisha Cousins, David Hamor, [and] Nicholas Thomas be the committee,
   the said committee should act as they should think proper,
   that the vote is reconsidered respecting the constable's paying in the money at certain times but leave it with the treasurer as usual,
   that the constable's fees should be six percent.

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Call for 16 September 1799 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 31, page 32)
To Mr. John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden, qualified as the law directs to vote in town meetings, to assemble and meet at the meetinghouse in said Eden on Monday the sixteenth day of this instant [=next] September at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following particulars, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to consider and act upon what shall then be thought proper in giving Mr. Downs a call to settle or and invitation to preach a further term of time as shall be thought most proper,
   3. to see what can be done to put the meetinghouse in a convenient situation for holding meetings in it and act thereon as shall be thought proper.
   Given under hands at Eden this second day of September in the year of our Lord 1799.
   —Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 32):
Pursuant to the within warrant, I duly notified the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Eden according as the law directs to meet at the p;ace and time appointed.
      —John Thomas, constable

16 September 1799 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 32)
Pursuant to the above warrant, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met and passed the following votes, viz:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, Esq.;
Voted ...
   that the meeting should be opened by prayer,
   to give Mr. Downs a call,
   to pay Mr. Downs $550 for the year ensuing,
   $45 for the purpose of moving Mr. Downs,
   that the selectmen should purchase the meetinghouse for the town of the proprietors,
   $150 in money and [...?] for the use of the meetinghouse this fall,
   Ezra Young, Esq., Mr. David Hamor, [and] Mr. Levi Higgins be a committee to carry on the building [of?] the meetinghouse.
   —Elisha Cousins,
      Town Clerk, 1799

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Call for 4 March 1800 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 33, page 34)
To Mr. John Thomas, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden, qualified as the law directs to vote in town meeting, to assemble and meet at the house of Miss Sarah Hamor in said Eden on Thursday the fourth day of March next at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following particulars, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. [to] choose a town clerk,
   3. [to choose] 4 selectmen,
   4. to choose a constable,
   5. to choose a treasurer,
   6. to choose all other town officers as the law directs,
   7. to see if the town will consent to reconsider the vote that passed at a meeting held on 16 September 1799 or any of them as shall be thought proper,
   8. to vote money for the support of schools,
   9. to vote money to defray town charges,
   10. to hear petitions and act thereon.
   Given under hands and seals this fourteenth day of February 1800.
   —Elisha Cousins, Joseph Mayo, David Hamor

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 34):
Pursuant to the within warrant, I duly notified the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said town of Eden according as the law directs.
      —John Thomas, constable

4 March 1800 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 34, page 35)
Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, the inhabitants met and passed the following votes, viz:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, Esq.,
   Town clerk - Elisha Cousins,
   Selectmen - Ezra Young, Levi Higgins, John Thomas,
   Treasurer - David Hamor,
   Constable - Stephen Salisbury,
   Surveyors of highways - Thomas Wasgatt 2nd, David Hamor, Ezra Leland, Joseph Mayo,
   Surveyors of boards - Ezra Young, Thomas Wasgatt 2nd,
   Surveyors of wood - Joseph Mayo, Ebenezer Salisbury 2nd,
   Culler of staves - Henry Knowles,
   Surveyor of Shingles - Humphrey Stanwood,
   Fence viewer - Seth Doane,
   Pound keeper - Ebenezer Salisbury, and
   Tithing man - Ebenezer Salisbury.
Voted ...
   not to act on the seventh article in the warrant,
   $100 for the support of schools,
   to abate Sarah Hamor tax [for 1799?].
Voted to adjourn the meeting to the meetinghouse on first Monday of April next.
   —[no signature or date].

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Call for 7 April 1800 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 35, page 36)
To the constable of the town of Eden, greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the male inhabitants of the town of Eden of twenty-one years old and upward, having a freehold estate within the Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds or other estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the meetinghouse in said town on Monday the seventh day of April next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to give in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators, and Councillors agreeable to the constitution of said commonwealth, and ...
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate the meeting,
   2. to vote money to repair the roads and bridges in the town,
   3. to provide ways and means to put the meetinghouse in good order and vote money for the same as shall be thought proper, and
   4. to see what the town will do respecting those that pay [hospitable?] money paying highway tax.
   Given under hands and seals in said Eden the 19 day of March 1800.
   —Ezra Young, Levi Higgins

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 36):
Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the town of Eden to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned.
      —Stephen Salisbury, constable

7 April 1800 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 36)
The town being assembled, the following votes passed:
   Caleb Strong for Governor - 16 votes,
   Moses Gill for Lieutenant Governor - 16 votes,
   Alexander Campbell for Senator - 16 votes,
   Nathaniel Dummer for Senator - 16 votes,
   Simeon Fowler for county treasurer - 16 votes,
   —[no signature or date].

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Call for 12 January 1801 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 37)
To Stephen Salisbury, constable of the town of Eden, greeting in the ame of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. You are hereby required forthwith to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden qualified as the law directs, to vote in town meetings to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Monday, the twelfth day of January next at ten o' the clock in the forenoon to act on the following particulars, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to consider on and do what shall be thought proper respecting an order of notice on the petition of Paul Dudley Sargent, Esq., and others for removing the court from Castine and making three shiretowns by choosing an agent to appear for us at the General Court, or such other measures as shall be thought proper,
   3. to see what the town will do with regard [to] paying the doctor's bills for what he has done for the Widow Jerusha Higgins.
Given under our hands and seals this 29 day of December 1800.
—Ezra Young, Levi Higgins, John Thomas

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 37):
Agreeable to the above warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the town of Eden to meet at time and place.
—Stephen Salisbury

12 January 1801 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 37, page 38)
Pursuant to the above warrant the inhabitants met [and] passed the following votes:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, Esq.
   Voted to solicitate that the pray of the petition may not be granted,
   Voted to choose a committee to write to Mr. Nelson,
   Voted Ezra Young, Esq., Mr. James Cou[...?], Elisha Cousins be a committee,
   Voted the committee should give Mr. Nelson such directions as they shall think proper and secure him in his pay.
   —[no signature], 1801

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Call for 10 March 1801 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 38)
To Stephen Salisbury, constable of the town of Eden, greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said [town] qualified by law to vote in town meeting to assemble and meet at the house of Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on Tuesday the tenth day of March next at ten of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz:
   1. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting,
   2. to choose a town clerk and all other town officers as the law directs,
   3. to vote money for all the necessary uses of the town,
   4. to hear petitions and to act thereon.
Given under our hands and seals at Eden this 21 day of February in the year of our Lord 1801
—Ezra Young, Levi Higgins

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 38):
Pursuant to the within warrant, I have duly notified the freeholders and other inhabitants to time and place.
—Stephen Salisbury

10 March 1801 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 38, page 39)
Agreeable to the above warrant, the inhabitants of the town of Eden met and passed the following votes:
   Moderator - Ezra Young, Esq.,
   Voted the meeting should be opened by prayer by the Reverend Mr. James [C?]oule,
   Town Clerk - Elisha Cousins,
   Selectmen - Ezra Young, Esq., Elisha Cousins, Mr. David Hamor,
   Treasurer - Mr. Ezra Leland,
   Constable - Mr. Stephen Salisbury,
   Surveyors of Highways - Mr. Ebenezer Salisbury, Joseph Mayo, Thomas Wasgatt 2nd,
   Surveyors of Boards - Ezra Young, Esq., Mr. Thomas Wasgatt 2nd,
   Surveyors of Clapboards and Shingles - Humphrey Stanwood, David Higgins,
   Surveyor of Staves and Hoops - Henry Knowles,
   Fenceviewers - Ebenezer Salisbury, Jesse Higgins, Solomon Higgins,
   Tithingmen - Levi Higgins, Jesse Higgins, Solomon Higgins,
   Pound Keeper - Ebenezer Salisbury,
   Field Driver - Ebenezer Salisbury 2nd,
   Sealer of Wood - John Thomas,
   Surveyor of Highways - John Chipper.
Voted to adjourn the meeting to the first Monday of April, to be held at the meetinghouse at ten of the clock.

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10 March 1801 (Eden town records, book 1: page 33)
Return of a town road from the Northwest Cove to the county road that leads toward Mount Desert:
   Beginning at a tree lying across the brook at Northwest Cove;
   Running N 50° E 34 poles;
   S 50° E 60;
   N 60° E 28;
   N [60?]° E [no distance or unit given];
   N 20° E 14 poles;
   S 31° E 14 [no unit given];
   N 20° E 31 poles;
   N 30° E 22 poles;
   N 10° E 10 poles;
   N 40° E 8 poles;
   N 10° E 8 poles;
   N 50° E 24 poles;
   N 60° E 28 poles;
   N 85° E 24 poles;
   N 70° E 24 poles;
   N 80° E 12 poles;
   N 50° E 12 [no unit given];
   N 40° E 18 poles;
   N 20° E 28 poles;
   N 10° E 41 poles;
   N 20° E 24 poles;
   N 20° E 20 poles;
   N 40° E 20 poles.
The above return by Joseph Mayo and approved by Elisha Cousins and David Hamor, Selectmen. The above road accepted by the town 10 March 1801.

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10 February 1810 - miscellaneous entry (Eden town records, book 1: page 29)

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6 April 1801 - continuation of adjourned 10 March 1801 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 40)
The inhabitants met agreeable to the adjournment and passed the following votes, viz.:
   Voted for the use of the town $60,
   Voted for the highways $1 on the pole and twice that sum on the estate,
   Voted men's labor $1 per day and 68¢ for oxen per day.

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Call for 6 April 1801 town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 40)
To the constable of the town of Eden, greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, You are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said town of Eden qualified to vote in town meeting to assemble and meet at the meetinghouse in said Eden on Monday, the sixth day of April, at ten of the clock in the forenoon for the purpose of giving in your votes for governor, lieutenant governor, and senators and county treasurer and county register; likewise, to see if the town will agree to give a bounty for the killing of bears [for] the year ensuing, and act thereon as shall be thought proper.
Given under our hands and seals this sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord 1801
—Elisha Cousins, David Hamor

Constable's return (Eden town records, book 1: page 40):
Pursuant to the within warrant, I have duly notified the freeholders and the other inhabitants to meet at time and place.
—Stephen Salisbury

6 April 1801 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 40, page 41)
Pursuant to the above warrant the inhabitants of the town of Eden met and passed the following votes, viz:
   His Excellency John Adams, Esq., for governor - 28 votes
   the Honorable Thomas Dawes, Esq., for lieutenant governor - 26 votes
   for senators:
      Alexander Campbell, Esq. - 26 votes
      the Honorable Nathaniel Dommer, Esq. - 25 votes
   Simeon Fowler, Esq., for county treasurer - 29 votes
   Thomas Cobb, Esq., for county register - 30 votes.

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7 May 1801 - town meeting (Eden town records, book 1: page 41)
At a meeting of the freeholders of the town of Eden legally assembled on the seventh day of May 1801 for the purpose of drawing on [a] man for [...] juror to attend the Supreme Court to be holden at Castine the last day of June ensuing, Mr. Ezra Leland was drawn.

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5 June 1801 (Eden town records, book 1: page 41)
Elisha Cousins appointed sealer of weights and measures for the town of Eden and sworn into office.

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29 August 1801 (Eden town records, book 1: page 41)
At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Eden for the purpose of drawing a juror, Nehemiah Higgins was drawn.

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Call for 7 December 1801 town meeting [page image to be posted]
To Stephen Salisbury, Constable of the town of Eden, greeting in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in compliance with a request of a number of the inhabitants of said town, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town to assemble and meet at the house of Ebenezer Salisbury in said Eden on the seventh day of December next at one of the clock in the afternoon, then and there to act on the following particulars, viz,
   1. To choose a Moderator to regulate said meeting.
   2. To see how much money the town will raise to support the preaching of the gospel and vote the same.
   3. To see what method shall be taken to assess and collect the same, that said money may be ready when by order of the Selectmen, to be paid to the support of the preaching of the gospel.
   4. To see what salary the town will think proper to give to Mr. Benjashen Downs to support him in preaching the gospel, and vote the same.
Given under our hands and seal at Eden this 23 day of November 1801.
—Ezra Young, David Hamor

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more to be transcribed