Documentation for Thomas Atherton Wasgatt and Emma J. [...]

Census Data

  1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930
Thomas Atherton Wasgatt 47 dead
Emma J. ([...]) Wasgatt 33 43 ? ? ? ? ?
    Edwin M. Wasgatt 2 12 ? ? ? ? ?
    William T. S. Wasgatt 7 m. 10 ? ? ? ? ?

1870 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 136, family 139. In 1870, Thomas A[therton]. Wasgatt and his family were living in the household of his father. Also living in this household in 1870 was Franklin Prescott (13 y., b. Maine).

1880 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 148, family 148: