Documentation for John R. Tinker and (1) Mabel A. [...]; (2) Ida (née Stainback) Elliott

Census Data

  1900 1910 1920 1930
John R. Tinker 38 47 57 ?
Mabel A. ([...]) Tinker 38 47 dead
Ida R. (née Stainback) (Elliott) Tinker 42 ?
    Everett Elmer Tinker 11 living in separate household
    Carroll F. Tinker dead
    infant daughter dead?

1900 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 151, family 157. Also living in this household in 1900 was Betsey G. Tinker (88 y., b. Maine), reported to be the mother of John R., but research is needed to confirm this. In earlier census records, John R. appears to be the son of George B. Tinker and Abbie [...].

1910 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 159, family 165:

1920 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 156, family 156. Also living in this household in 1920 was James H. Elliott (10 y., b. [?]), John R. Tinker's stepson and son of Ida R. (Elliott) Tinker.