Documentation for Ambrose Thurston and Elmira B. [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900
Ambrose Thurston 27 [sic] 45 ? ? dead
Elmira B. ([...]) Thurston 32 41 ? ? ? dead
    Nelson Thurston 6 17 ? ? ? ?
    William S. Thurston 4 m. 10 ? ? ? ?
    Amanda Thurston 1 ? ? ? ?

1850 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 68, family 68:

1860 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 694, family 676. Also living in this household in 1860 were William Murphy (21 y., b. Maine), Louisa Murphy (20 y., b. Maine), and Edward W. Murphy (9 m., b. Maine).