Documentation for George W. Richards and Amelia [C. or T.] [...]

Census Data

  1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920
George W. Richards ? 32 42 ? ? dead
Amelia [C. or T.] ([...]) Richards ? 29 39 ? ? ? dead
    Evelyn Richards ? 12 living? in separate household
    Marie E. Richards 5 15 ? ? ? ?

1870 Eden, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 173, family 166. In 1870, George W. Richards was married, and he and his wife and their two daughters were living in his parents' household.

1880 Eden, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 66, family 67. In 1880, George W. Richards was married, and he and his wife and their two daughters were living in his parents' household. Also, a Laura A. Haley (7 y., b. Massachusetts), a boarder, was living in the household.