Documentation for Nathan P. Reynolds - Flora [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900
Nathan P. Reynolds 35 48 58 68 ? ?
Flora ([…]) Reynolds 30 40 50 58 ? ?
    Laura Reynolds 8 [living? in separate household]
    Clarinda [E. or M.?] Reynolds 4 13 [living? in separate household]
    James S. Reynolds 9 19 29 ? ?
    Martha L. Reynolds 6 17 [living? in separate household]
    Nathan Reynolds 8 m. 10 20 ? ?
    Flora Reynolds 8 m. 10 20 ? ?

1850 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 60, family 67:

1860 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 114, family 133. Also living in this household in 1860 was straw worker Susanna Dunbar (72 y., b. Massachusetts).

1870 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 97, family 103. Also living in this household in 1870 was Susanna Dunbar (82 y., b. Massachusetts).

1880 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 160, family 186. By 1880, James S. Staples was married, and he and his wife and family were living in the household of his parents.