Documentation for John H. Parker and Sarah H. [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910
John H. Parker 44 53 64 ? ? ? ?
Sarah H. ([...]) Parker 41 50 60 ? ? ? ?
    James M. Parker 9 19 [living? in separate household]
    Letitia A. Parker 7 16 [living? in separate household]
    John F. Parker 5 14 24
[see note below]
? ? ? ?
    Davis C. Parker 2 12 22 ? ? ? ?
    George S. Parker 8 m. 10 20 ? ? ? ?

1850 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 74, family 74. Also living in this household in 1850 was Elvina Weeks (12 y., b. Maine).

1860 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 384, family 374:

1870 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 111, family 113. By 1870, John F. Parker was married, and he and his wife were living in the household of his parents.