Documentation for Thomas Manchester and (1) Mary Abigail [...]; (2) Philena W. [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910
Thomas Manchester 29 40 50 67 [sic] ? 79 dead
Mary Abigail ([...]) Manchester 21 dead
Philena W. ([...]) Manchester 20 30 dead
    George E. Manchester 1 11 21 dead
    Warren H. Manchester dead
    Amos Melville Manchester 7 17 [living? in separate household]
    Manson Manchester 8 living in separate household
    Lora Manchester 6 16 ? 36
[see note below]
    Mary E. Manchester 2 12 ? [living? in separate household]

1850 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 35, family 35:

1860 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 433, family 420:

1870 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 124, family 127:

1880 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 46, family 46:

1900 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 152, family 158. By 1900, Lora Manchester had been married, to a Whitmore, was widowed, and was living in the household of her father.