Documentation for Moses Manchester and Elizabeth W. [...]

Marriage Data

Tremont record book 1 contains the record of an 18 August 1848 publishing of marriage intentions of "Mr. Moses Manchester and Miss Elipha Ann Bickford", both of Tremont, and the 5 September 1848 issuance of their certificate (see below). However, in the 1850 census of Tremont is an 18-year-old Elitha Ann Bickford living in her parents' household (dwelling 146, family 146). The 1860 census of Tremont records a 28-year-old Elizabeth Manchester as Moses' presumed wife, "presumed" because the 1860 census did not report relationships within a household, but there were three young Manchesters (ages 4, 2, and 1) in the same household. Moses and Elizabeth Manchester are buried in the McKinley Cemetery as are four brothers of Elitha Ann Bickford. To be determined is if Elitha Ann Bickford and Elizabeth Manchester are the same person.


Moses and Elizabeth W. Manchester raised their family in a house that is marked now by only a cellar hole across the road from the Ship Harbor parking lot.

Census Data

  1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920
Moses Manchester 44 54 65 ? dead

Elizabeth W. ([...]) Manchester 28 36 47 ? ? ? dead
    Harriet Manchester 4 13 living? in separate household

    [Zelphia or Adelphi] Manchester 2 12 living? in separate household

    William S. Manchester 1 10 20 ? ? ? ?
    Albert E. Manchester

9 19 ? ? ? ?
    Phebe M. Manchester

7 17 ? ? ? ?
    John W. Manchester

4 14 ? ? ? ?
    Mary M. Manchester

2 living? in separate household

    Frank L. Manchester

6 ? ? ? ?

1860 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 637, family 618:

1870 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 6, family 6:

1880 Tremont, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 233, family 255:

1890 Census data are unavailable.

Death and Burial

Moses Manchester died 12 January 1894 and Elizabeth W. Manchester died 15 February 1915. Both are buried in McKinley Cemetery in Tremont, Maine.