Documentation for Enoch Boynton Lurvey and Rebecca Higgins

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880
Enoch Boynton Lurvey 52 62 72 dead
Rebecca (Higgins) Lurvey 42 51 61 71
    Isaac F. Lurvey married and living in separate household

    Cyrus H. Lurvey 20 married and living in separate household

    Hannah H. Lurvey dead

    Enoch Lurvey Jr. 14 ? dead

    Lemuel Lurvey 11 21 30 41
    Gilbert L. Lurvey 8 19 married and living in separate household

    Jacob Lurvey 6 16 25 36
    infant son Lurvey dead

    Nathan Curtis Lurvey dead

    Louisa Lurvey 9 months 10 20 living? in separate household
    Franklin Lurvey

8 13 living? in separate household
    Georgie Lurvey


1850 Tremont, Maine (Hancock County) - dwelling 162, family 162.

1860 Tremont, Maine (Hancock County) - dwelling 484, family 469.

1870 Tremont, Maine (Hancock County) - dwelling 234, family 248. Also living in this household in 1870 were Rebecca Lurvey (38 y., b. Maine; widow of Isaac F. Lurvey) and Ellen M. Lurvey (15 y., b. Maine).

1880 Tremont, Maine (Hancock County) - dwelling 340, family 367.

Death Data

Obituary for Lemuel Lurvey, son of Enoch Boynton Lurvey and Rebecca Higgins, from The Bar Harbor Times, Wednesday, 24 January 1923, page 6, column 2: