Documentation for Roswell Leland and Jane [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880
Roswell Leland 42 51 62 dead
Jane ([...]) Leland 45 56 66 dead
    Amanda Leland 17 living? in separate household
    Washington M. Leland 13 23 34
[see note below]
married and living in separate household
    Abraham T. Leland 8 18 married and living in separate household
    Samuel H. Leland 5 15 25 married and living in separate household
    Haynes P. Leland dead

1850 Eden, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 6, family 6:

1860 Eden, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 8, family 7:

1870 Eden, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 202, family 196. Also living in this househod in 1870 were Martha A. Leland (wife of Washington M. Leland) and Amanda H. Leland (daughter of Washington M. and Martha A. Leland).