Documentation for Samuel R. Lear and Joan S. [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
Samuel R. Lear 42 52 dead
Joan S. ([...]) Lear 36 46 56 66 dead
    Albertine T. Lear 8 18 28
[see note below]
[see note below]
    Samuel H. Lear 7 ? ? ?

1850 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 107, family 107. In 1850 Samuel R. Lear and family were living with a John Lear, likely the father of Samuel R. In the next dwelling was a family of a John Lear Jr.

1860 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 374, family 365:

1870 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 44, family 45. In 1870 Joan S. ([...]) Lear was living with her daughter and son-in-law and their family.

1880 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 129, family 129. In 1880 Joan S. ([...]) Lear was living with her daughter and son-in-law and their family.