Documentation for Benjamin Kittredge and Mary J. Harden

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910
Benjamin Kittredge ? ? 49 59 ? dead
Mary J. (Harden) Kittredge ? ? 53 63 ? ? dead
    Osborne Milton Kittredge ? ? married and living in separate household
    Richmond H. Kittredge ? ? 22 living in separate household
    Laura Ella Kittredge ? 19 living in separate household
    Charles [M. or C.?] Kittredge ? 15 25 ? ? ?

1870 Trenton, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 105, family 104. Also living in this household in 1870 was Margaret Higgins (27 y., b. Maine).

1880 Trenton, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 112, family 120:

Death Data

Obituary for Benjamin Kittredge, in Bar Harbor Record, 14 March 1900, page 5, columns 3–4:

Obituary for Mary J. (Harden) Kittredge, in Bar Harbor Record, 4 January 1906, page 5, column 1: