Documentation for Bloomfield Higgins and Sarah Fannie Billings

Census Data

  1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930
Bloomfield Higgins 30 ? 50 ? 69 ?
Sarah Fannie (Billings) Higgins 21 ? 42 ? 61 ?
    [...] Higgins [son] 4 m. [dead?]
    Myra A. Higgins ? 17 ? 37
[see note below]

1880 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 8, family 8. By 1880, Bloomfield Higgins was married, and he and his wife and son were living in the household of his parents. Also living in this household in 1880 was Martha Higgins (65 y., b. Maine), a "town pauper".

1900 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 22, family 22. Also living in this household in 1900 was boarder Virginia B. Mayer (4 m., b. Massachusetts).

1920 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 187, family 194. By 1920, Myra A. Higgins was married (to Fred C. Jellison), and she and her husband and daughter were living in the household of her parents.