Documentation for Ambrose H. Higgins and Elizabeth A. [...]

Census Data

  1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920
Ambrose H. Higgins 28 38 ? 58 67 dead
Elizabeth A. ([...]) Higgins 24 35 ? 55 65 dead
    Clinton B. Higgins 8 ? 28 38
[see note below]
    Edward Leander Higgins 1 ? 21 [living? in separate household]

1870 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 49, family 43:

1880 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 234, family 241. Also living in this household in 1880 was servant Emily H. Hamor (37, b. Maine).

1900 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 42, family 48. Also living in this household in 1900 was servant Frances Carter (48 y., b. Maine).

1910 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 26, family 28. By 1910, Clinton B. Higgins was married, and he and his wife and two children were living in the household of his parents.