Documentation for Albert F. Higgins and (1) Charlotte W. [...]; (2) Phoebe G. Titus

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920
Albert F. Higgins 27 37 48 57 ? dead
Charlotte W. ([...]) Higgins 25 35 46 divorced and living in separate household
[see note below]
Phoebe G. (Titus) Higgins 25 ? [49?] ? 69
    Mary Jane Higgins 1 11 [living? in separate household]
    Blithen S. Higgins 9 19 living in separate household
[see note below]
    Albert L. Higgins 5 15 living in separate household
[see note below]
    Grace G. Higgins ? 11 ? [living? in separate household]
    Victor G. Higgins 7 ? [living? in separate household]
    Arno W. Higgins 5 ? [living? in separate household]
    Bessie [G.?] Higgins 2 ? 20 ? 42
[see note below]

1850 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 94, family 97:

1860 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 104, family 96:

1870 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 22, family 24:

1880 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 236, family 242. Also living in this household in 1880 was Huldah Higgins (87 y., b. Maine), the mother of Albert F. Higgins. Albert F.'s first wife, Charlotte W., and sons Blithen S. and Albert L. were boarding in dwelling 257. It is uncertain if Grace G. Higgins, Victor G. Higgins, Arno W. Higgins, and Bessie G. Higgins were Phoebe G.'s children by a previous marriage or if they were Albert F. Higgins and Phoebe G.'s children together.

1900 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling [?], family 31:

1920 Bar Harbor, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 20, family 29. By 1920, Bessie Higgins was married, to [Willie?] B. Marshall, and she and her husband were living in the household of her mother.

Death Data

Obituary for Phoebe G. (Titus) Higgins, from The Bar Harbor Times of 21 February 1934, page 2, column 4: