Documentation for Christopher Havens and Mary Higgins

Census Data

  1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
Christopher Havens ? ? 52 60 73 84
[see note below]
Mary (Higgins) Havens ? ? 59 69 79 dead
    Mercy Havens ? ? 27 36 40 dead
    Israel Havens ? ? dead
    Sally S. Havens ? dead
    Julia E. Havens 5 15 dead

1850 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 89, family 92:

1860 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 162, family 151:

1870 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 61, family 55:

1880 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 191, family 196. In 1880 Christopher Havens was living with a Cunningham family and was reported to be “maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled”.