Documentation for Julien Emery and Addie J. Higgins

Census Data

  1900 1910 1920 1930
Julien Emery 41 50 69 [sic] ?
Addie J. (Higgins) Emery 32 43 52 ?
    Malcolm C. Emery dead
    Mildred E. Emery 8 18 living? in separate household
    Charles J. Emery 6 16 25 ?
    Earle L. Emery 5 15 24 dead
    Newell W. Emery 4 14 23 ?
    Alma B. Emery 11 m. 10 20 ?
    Harland [J.?] Emery 6 16 ?
    Eleanor G. Emery 2 12 ?

1900 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 101, family 105. Also living in this household in 1900 was Julien Emery's widowed mother, Eliza A. Emery (b. January 1828 Maine).

1910 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 203, family 206. Also living in this household in 1910 was Ambrose Dinsmore (hired man, 24 y., b. Maine).

1920 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 81, family 84:

Note: Census data more recent than 1930 have not been released to the public.