Documentation for Jared Emery and Sophia Hopkins

Census Data

  1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890
Jared Emery ? 39 50 59 69
[see note below]
Sophia (Hopkins) Emery ? 35 47 55 67
[see note below]
    Jane H. Emery ? dead
    Sophia Ann Emery ? 14 living? in separate household
    Margaret A. Emery ? dead
    Margaret J. Emery 9 19 living? in separate household
    John Lewis Emery 7 17 dead
    Edward Everett Emery 5 15 dead
    Mary H. "Polly" Emery 3 13 23 ? ?
    Hiram J. Emery 6 m. 11 20 married and living in separate household
    Onslow Y. Emery 9 18 dead
    Arthur L. Emery 7 16 dead
    Howard Emery 5 14 ? ?

1850 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 61, family 63:

1860 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 26, family 22:

1870 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 149, family 144. Also living in this household in 1870 was Isabel A. Holmes (12 y., b. Maine).

1880 Eden [now Bar Harbor], Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 71, family 72. In 1880, Jared Emery and Sophia (Hopkins) Emery were living in the household of son Hiram J. Emery.