Documentation for Gideon Ellis Jr. - Rosaltha [...]

Census Data

  1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910
Gideon Ellis Jr. 31 40 51 ? ? ?
Rosaltha B. ([…]) Ellis 23 33 43 ? ? ?
    Lizzie M. Ellis 5 15 25
[see note below]
    Hattie M. Ellis 3 13 23 ? ? ?
    H. Louise Ellis 9 19 ? ? ?
    Ernest S. Ellis 4 14 ? ? ?

1860 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 174, family 202:

1870 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 126, family 135:

1880 Canton, Oxford County, Maine - dwelling 76, family 81. By 1880 Lizzie M. Ellis was married, to […] Parker, and she and her two children were living in the household of her parents.