Documentation for William Wasgatt Atherton and Mary [...]

Census Data

  1850 1860 1870 1880
William Wasgatt Atherton 50 60 70 dead
Mary ([...]) Atherton 47 58 68 70 [sic]
[see note below]
    Louisa Atherton 26 living? in separate household
    Catharine Atherton 24 living? in separate household
    William R. Atherton 22 living? in separate household
    John T. Atherton 20 30 living? in separate household
    Lafayette Atherton 18 living? in separate household
    Mary Ann Atherton 16 living? in separate household
    Lorenzo Atherton dead
    Julia Ann Atherton 13 23 living? in separate household
    Tileston Atherton 10 20
[see note below]
    Onslow A. Atherton 4 14 24 married and living in separate household
    George Delorin Atherton 2 12 22 31
[see note below]

1850 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 87, family 87:

1860 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 314, family 305. Also living in this household in 1860 were Nancy Atherton (96 y., William Wasgatt Atherton's mother) and Ella E. Atherton (7 y.). In 1860, Tileston Atherton, a blacksmith, was living in Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine.

1870 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 105, family 107. Also living in this household in 1870 were Ella E. Atherton (17 y., b. Maine) and James A. Wasgatt (12 y.).

1880 Mount Desert, Hancock County, Maine - dwelling 153, family 153. By 1880, George Delorin was married, and his mother, Mary, by then a widow, was living with him and his wife.

Death Data

Gravestones for William Wasgatt and Mary ([...]) Atherton, in Atherton and Mikhalapov Graves, Mount Desert, Maine: