Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Salem Towne map - M1
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 12 June 2016)
Date: 1777 (but received and entered at the Registry of Deeds on 3 May 1792)
Town: Tremont
Grantors: Samuel Dennen and Abigail Dennen
Grantee: John Rich
"lands, houses, barns, or buildings of any kind on a point, now [1777] called by the name of Pleasant Point [now called Lopaus Point] situated on the westerly side of the harbor, now called Bass Harbor"
Grantors obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 1:417–418
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Date: 23 April 1799
Town: Tremont
Grantors: John Rich and Anny [sic] Rich
Grantee: Daniel Merry
Description: 100 acres
"a certain tract of land and all the buildings thereon being commonly called Pleasant Point [now called Lopaus Point] situated on the westerly side of the harbor, now called Bass Harbor"
Grantors obtained this parcel via 1:417
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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