Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Salem Towne map - J15
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 15 March 2018)
Date: 10 December 1798
Town: Southwest Harbor
Grantor: John Bunker
Grantee: Jonathan Hadlock
Description: 100 acres; quit claim
Beginning at a small brook at high-water mark at the head of Norwood’s Cove, so-called, which brook is the corner bound between said tract or parcel of land and the said lot which said Bunker sold to Davis Wasgatt;
then running southerly along [the] shore about 32 rods to Nathaniel Bennett’s line;
then following said line a westerly course, which is the south line of said tract of land;
and the north line to run a parallel line with the said Bennett’s line so far back as to contain 100 acres.
Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 11:53–54
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Date: 1 February 1802
Town: Southwest Harbor
Grantor: Jonathan Hadlock
Grantee: George Harmon
Description: 100 acres
Beginning at a small brook at high-water mark at the head of Norwood’s Cove, so-called, which brook is the corner bound between said lot and the lot John Bunker now lives on;
then running southerly along [the] shore about 32 rods to Ebenezer Eaton’s line;
then following said line a westerly course, which is the south line of said tract of land;
and the north line to run a parallel line with the said Eaton’s line so far back as to contain 100 acres.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 6:396
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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