Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Salem Towne map - B9
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 23 May 2018)
Date: 29 August 1831
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: John Q. Adams, Nathaniel Curtis, and Alicia Boylston (executors of the last will and testament of Ward Nicholas Boylston)
Grantee: Reuben Higgins
Description: 110 acres; lot #63 on Salem Towne map
“a certain lot of land lying in said Eden containing one hundred and ten acres, more or less, and is numbered 63 on a plan taken by Salem Town[e] Jr. Esq. in 1808”
Grantors obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 69:184
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Date: 21 April 1837
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: Reuben Higgins
Grantees: Reuben Higgins Jr. and Joseph M. Higgins
Description: 110 acres; lot #63 on Salem Towne map
Beginning at the southeast corner of my [Reuben Higgins] home lot on [the] Mount Desert line;
then following said line S 86° E 80 rods;
then N 4° E 200 rods;
then N 86° W 80 rods to my home lot;
then following the line of said home lot to the first mentioned bound.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 66:262–263
Grantees disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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