Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - K7

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 11 June 2016)

   Date: 20 January 1846
   Grantors: Alexander Baring, Henry Baring, Joseph R. Ingersoll
   Town: Mount Desert
   Grantee: William Roberts
   Description: 105 acres, 104 [square?] rods
      Beginning at the head of Northeast Harbor, so-called, at the southeasterly bounds of lot No. 66, sold to William Roberts [see note below];
      and running by said lot, No. 66, north 246 rods to a spruce tree;
      then east 64 rods to a fir tree;
      then south 276 rods to a spruce tree;
      then west 32 rods to the shore at a spruce tree;
      then northwesterly by the shore to the bound first mentioned.
   Note: The sale of lot 66 to William Roberts did not take place, or at least was not signed, until 26 June 1847, approximately 1 year and 5 months after the deed reported here. Given that the current deed was recorded in book 85 in the Hancock County Registry of Deeds and that the subsequent sale of the east half of this lot was recorded in book 81 (but dated the same as this one), is it possible that some of these deeds were back-dated?
   Grantors obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of a portion (the east half) of this parcel via 81:134–135

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   Date: 20 January 1846
   Grantor: William Roberts
   Town: Mount Desert
   Grantee: John Savage
   Description: east half of lot No. 67
      [no description given in the deed]
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 85:163–164
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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