Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - J9
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 12 January 2024)
earlier deeds to be posted here
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Date: 23 August 1910
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: Thomas W. Joyce and Esther P. Joyce
Grantee: Louisa P. Satterlee
Description: 100 acres, more or less; Great Head and Sand Beach; lot #63 on Peters Plan
Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot of land owned by Hasket Derby, at the sea;
then running westerly, but everywhere following the southern line of land of said Derby, to his southwestern corner;
then westerly and southerly, but everywhere following the southern and eastern lines of land owned in part by the devisees of Tobias L. Roberts, deceased, and in part now or formerly of Ralph L. Hathorn, to the sea;
then by the sea, by its various courses, but generally easterly and northerly to the place of beginning.
Grantors obtained this parcel via 472:93–97
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 718:219–220
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Date: 9 July 1910
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: estate of Francis C. McCauley (owner of 7/20, by executors and trustees Richard A. Cleeman and Wilson Eyre Jr.), estate of Joseph Tagart McCauley (owner of 7/20, by trustee Joseph A. Klinges), estate of Armantine M. Coffin (owner of 2/20, by Trustee Charles H. Lang), Joseph M. Kendig (owner of 2/20), and Henry Babad Mongos (owner of 2/20)
Grantee: Thomas W. Joyce
Description: 100 acres, more or less; Great Head and Sand Beach; lot #63 on Peters Plan
Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot of land owned by Hasket Derby, at the sea;
then running westerly, but everywhere following the southern line of land of said Derby, to his southwestern corner;
then westerly and southerly, but everywhere following the southern and eastern lines of land owned in part by the devisees of Tobias L. Roberts, deceased, and in part now or formerly of Ralph L. Hathorn, to the sea;
then by the sea, by its various courses, but generally easterly and northerly to the place of beginning.
Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 471:400–401
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Date: 9 September 1947 (Probate Court session)
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: estate of Louisa Pierpont Satterlee
Grantee: Herbert Satterlee
Description: 100 acres, more or less; Great Head and Sand Beach; lot #63 on Peters Plan
Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot of land owned by Hasket Derby, at the sea;
then running westerly, but everywhere following the southern line of land of said Derby, to his southwestern corner;
then westerly and southerly, but everywhere following the southern and eastern lines of land owned in part by the devisees of Tobias L. Roberts, deceased, and in part now or formerly of Ralph L. Hathorn, to the sea;
then by the sea, by its various courses, but generally easterly and northerly to the place of beginning.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 471:400–401
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 726:352–353
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Date: 18 March 1949
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: estate of Herbert Satterlee, by executors Huger W. Jervey, Leonhard A. Keyes, and J. P. Morgan Co., Inc.
Grantee: Eleanor Morgan Satterlee
Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot of land formerly owned by Hasket Derby, at the sea;
then running westerly, but everywhere following the southern line of said land of Derby, to his southwestern corner;
then westerly and southerly, but everywhere following the southern and eastern lines of land owned in part by the devisees of Tobias L. Roberts, deceased, and in part now or formerly of Ralph L. Hathorn, to the sea;
then by the sea, by its various courses, but generally easterly and northerly to the place of beginning.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 718:219Ü
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 730:507–509
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Date: 25 May 1949
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: Eleanor Morgan Satterlee
Grantee: United States of America
Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot of land formerly owned by Hasket Derby, at the sea;
then running westerly, but everywhere following the southern line of land of said Derby, to his southwestern corner;
then westerly and southerly, but everywhere following the southern and eastern lines of land formerly owned in part by the devisees of Tobias L. Roberts, deceased, and in part now or formerly of Ralph L. Hathorn, to the sea;
then by the sea, by its various courses, but generally easterly and northerly to the place of beginning.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 726:352–353
Grantee is the current owner of this parcel.
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