Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - I6
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 4 May 2018)
[Earlier deeds will be placed here.]
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Date: 19 August 1839
Town: Bar Harbor and Mount Desert
Grantor: William Bennett
Grantees: John S. Jordan and George N. Jordan
Description: 2960 acres, more or less
Beginning at the northwest corner bound of Lot No. 73 which is the southeast corner bound of Lot No. 71;
then running S 89° E on the head line of the shore lots 460 rods to the northeast corner bound of Lot No. 85, occupied by John Clement;
then continuing the same course 180 rods to a cedar;
then N 1° E 2 miles and 100 rods;
then N 89° W crossing the southern end of the Northern Bubby Mountain (so-called) 2 miles;
then S 1° W 2 miles and 100 rods to the first mentioned bound.
Note: Another parcel was conveyed by this deed.
Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantees disposed of this parcel via 174:388–389
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Date: 27 October 1880
Town: Bar Harbor and Mount Desert
Grantors: John S. Jordan and estate of George N. Jordan
Grantee: Charles T. How
Description: 2960 acres, more or less
Beginning at the northwest corner bound of Lot No. 73 and the southeast corner bound of Lot No. 71;
then running S 89° E on the head line of the shore lots 460 rods to the northeast corner bound of Lot No. 85;
then the same course 180 rods to a cedar;
then N 1° E 2 miles and 100 rods;
then N 89° W crossing the southern end of the Northern Bubble Mountain (so-called) 2 miles;
then S 1° W 2 miles and 100 rods to the place of beginning.
Note: Another parcel was conveyed by this deed.
Grantors obtained this parcel via 69:49
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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