Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - H5

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 11 June 2016)

[The original deed will be placed here.]

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The following deeds conveyed land that is part of H5.

   Date: 4 May 1880
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Charles Willing and Chapman Biddle, trustees of the Estate of William Bingham the elder
   Grantee: Matilda C. Markoe
   Description: 87 acres and 114.3 square rods along south side of Bear Brook
      beginning near the mouth of Bear Brook at a point on the sea between Bar Harbor and Schooner Head at an iron bolt in the ledge at low-water mark;
      then S 56.75° W across the beach to a stake on the top of the beach, which stake bears S 35.5° E from a spruce tree on the top of the beach and is distant 2 rods and 16 links from said spruce tree (these courses and all courses herein given or described being from the magnetic meridian);
      then from said stake N 79° W to the center line of said Bear Brook;
      then in a general westerly direction for 115 rods and 13 links from the said stake on the top of said beach up the said middle of Bear Brook where there is only one channel of said brook, but where there are more than two channels of said brook up and through the middle line of the middle channel of said Brook, and where there are only two channels of said brook then through the middle of the island formed by the said two channels, to a stake in the center of a small island on the east line of land of Charles H. Dorr;
then on said east line of said Dorr N 19° E 112 rods to a stake and stones on the south line of land of Lucy Ellis;
      then on said south line of said land of said Lucy Ellis N 85° E 89 rods and 16 links to the sea;
      then by the sea in a general southerly direction 151 rods and 22 links to the said iron bolt at low-water mark at the place of beginning.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of a portion of this parcel via 463:513–514

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   Date: 9 October 1909
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Matilda C. Markoe
   Grantees: Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations
   Description: land along west side of Schooner Head Road
      beginning at the center line of Bear Brook on the westerly side of the Schooner Head Road;
      then by a line as described in a deed from the Trustees of the estate of William Bingham to me, dated 4 May 1880 and recorded in the Hancock County Registry of Deeds, Book 174, Page 100, to a stake in the center of a small island on the east line of land formerly of Charles H. Dorr;
      then on said east line of said Dorr N 19° E to the westerly side of the Schooner Head Road;
      then southerly on said westerly side of said Schooner Head Road to the place of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 174:100–102
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 8 September 1926
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: J. Henry Russell, trustee of Lorenzo N. Kettle estate
   Grantee: Pauline K. Palmer
   Description: 2 lots
      lot 1 (8.62 acres above high water mark):
         Beginning at the point in the line of low water mark on the shore of Frenchman Bay at the southeast corner of the allotment of the lands of the Bingham Estate in Bar Harbor, conveyed to May W. Bowler and Louisa F. Bowler;
         then generally westerly, but always following said south line of said land of said Bowlers, to a post placed on an iron bolt set in the ledge about 10 feet above high water mark on the shore of Frenchman Bay aforesaid;
         then S 86° W, but always following said south line of said land of said Bowlers, 780 feet to a stone bound set in the ground situated 2 feet westerly from a perpendicular ledge, which ledge is about 3 feet high;
         then from said stone bound, S 3° E 607 feet to an iron bolt set in a rock;
         then S 67° W 74.7 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then S 72°30′ W 63 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then S 70° W 44 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then S 75° W 51 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then S 84°50′ E 117 to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then N 85°30′ W 54 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then N 76° W 54 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then N 64°15′ W 42 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then N 59° W 194 feet to a stone bound set in the ground on the east side of the Schooner Head Road, 34.3 feet to a stone bound set in the ground (and being far enough to make a distance of 33 feet measuring from this point N 31° E to intersection of said line named as "N 59° W 194 feet" long);
         then S 59° E 186.4 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then S 64°50′ E 47.3 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then S 76° E 60.2 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then S 85°30′ E 60.2 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then N 84°50′ E 122 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then N 75° E 56.3 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then N 70° E 43.8 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         then N 72°30′ E, 45 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         then N 86° E 80 feet to a stone bound set in the ground; (searing S 3° E from and distant 25 feet from a stone bound set in the ground by Eben M. Hamor or West Eden, Maine, in 1887);
         then continuing the course last named, to wit: N 86° E, and parallel with said south line of said land of said Bowlers, 198 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge;
         then continuing the same course, to wit: N 86° E 20 feet, more or less, to the line of high water mrk on the shore of Frenchman Bay aforesaid;
         then continuing same course, to wit: N 86° E to the line of low water mark on the shore of Frenchman Bay aforesaid;
         and then generally northerly, but following said line of low water mark of said Frenchman Bay in its various turnings and windings to the point of beginning.
      lot 2 (8.5 acres, more or less):
         Beginning at the stone bound on the east side of the Schooner Head Road, so-called, and in the north line of a lot of land sold and conveyed by the trustees of the Bingham estate to the said Lorenzo N. Kettle by deed dated 12 April 1898;
         then generally northerly, but by said Schooner Head Road, 30 rods, more or less, to the south line of land conveyed to May W. Bowler and Louisa F. Bowler;
         then along said south line of land of the said Bowlers N 86° E 33.76 rods to a stone bound set in the ground at a corner of said land conveyed to said Kettle by said deed of said trustees as aforesaid;
         then along and always following the various lines of said land conveyed to said Kettle by the said deed from said trustees as aforesaid; being the same as 322:522 (12 April 1898 and 347:45 (12 December 1899).
         first S 3° E 607 feet to an iron bolt set in a rock;
         next S 67° W 74.7 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         next S 72°30′ W 63 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         next S 70° W 44 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         next S 75° W 51 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         next S 84°50′ W 117 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         next N 85°30′ W 54 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         next N 76° W 54 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
         next N 64°15′ W 42 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
         and last N 59° W 194 feet to the stone bound in the east side of Schooner Head Road named as the point of beginning;
         and being that lot or parcel of land bounded generally on the west by said Schooner Head Road; on the north by land of May W. Bowler and Louisa F. Bowler aforesaid; and on the east and on the south by land heretofore conveyed by said trustees to said Lorenzo N. Kettle, as aforesaid;
         being all and the same property described as conveyed in two certain deeds from Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, trustees of the Bingham estate to Lorenzo N. Kettle: 322:522 (12 April 1898) and 347:45 (12 December 1899).
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 26 August 1999
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Rose Movius Palmer
   Grantee: United States of America
   Description: 68.86 acres, more or less, of which 1.08 acres, more or less, is within the right-of-way of Schooner Head Road
      Beginning at an iron pin [UTM: 19T 0564669, 4912536; Lat./Long.: N 44°21′47.6″ x W 68°11′18.3″] on the east side of Schooner Head Road, said iron pin being a corner common to the lands of the Seely Road subdivision and the lands of the subject owner;
      then leaving said [Schooner Head] Road along the line common to said subdivision and the lands of the subject owner, N 87°36′27″ E 1134.20 feet, more or less, to an iron bolt [UTM: 19T 0564998, 4912681; Lat./Long.: N 44°21′52.2″ x W 68°11′03.4″];
      then continuing N 87°36′27″ E 72 feet, more or less, to the approximate high water line of Frenchman Bay;
      then leaving said subdivision along the meanders of the approximate high water line, southeasterly and southwesterly 2920 feet, more or less, to a point, said point lying S 78°30′ E, 65 feet, more or less, from an iron pin in the line of the lands now or formerly of the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory;
      then leaving said [Frenchman] Bay along the line of said laboratory, N 78°30′ W 65 feet, more or less, to said iron pin;
      then continuing along said line N 78°30′ W 426.5 feet to a stone monument [UTM: 19T 0565315, 4910630] on the east side of said Schooner Head Road;
      then leaving the lands of said laboratory along the east, right-of-way line of said [Schooner Head] Road, northerly 1365 feet, more or less, to a point bearing N 87°20′02″ E of and 50 feet, more or less, from an iron rod on the west right-of-way line of said road;
      then leaving the east side of said road on a line crossing said road, S 87°20′02″ W 50 feet, more or less, to an iron rod on the west right-of-way line of said road;
      then continuing S 87°20′02″ W 292.53 feet to a pin, said pin being a corner common to lands of the United States of America and the lands of the subject owner;
      then along the line of the lands of said United States of America the following two courses and distances:
         N 23°05′21″ W 501.33 feet and
         N 36°57′59″ W 533.90 feet to a point in the line of lands now or formerly of Albertine Maxwell;
      then leaving the lands of said United States of America along the line of the lands of said [Albertine] Maxwell, N 87°35′42″ E 689.32 feet to an iron pin [UTM: 19T 0564657, 4912524; Lat./Long.: N 44°21′47.2″ x W 68°11′18.3″] on the west side of Schooner Head Road;
      then crossing said [Schooner Head] Road, easterly 49.5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
      together with the shore and flats between high and low water lines of Frenchman's Bay, subject to the rights of the public in and to so much of the conveyed premises within the shore and flats between high and low water lines.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???

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