Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - G7

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 15 May 2018)

Thank you to Don Lenahan for his contributions to this page.

   Date: 9 July 1845
   Town: Bar Harbor and Mount Desert
   Grantors: Alexander Baring, Henry Baring, and Joseph N. Ingersoll, devisees of William Bingham
   Grantees: John D. Gilmore and Edward Brewer
   Description: 6144 acres; included much/most of what are today called Cadillac, Dorr, and Champlain Mountains, plus most of Seal Harbor east of Stanley Brook
      Beginning at the outlet of a small pond called Richardson’s Pond [now Aunt Betty’s Pond] that runs into the sound, so-called, on the east line of land deeded to Joel Emery, esquire;
      following said outlet southwesterly to the head of lot No. 95, occupied by George Richardson;
      then south by the head of the shore lots deeded to Isaac and G. B. Somes to a corner;
      then by land sold to Benjamin and [Enoch] Spurling S 89° E about two miles and [...]5 rods to the northeast corner bound of said Spurlings’ land;
      then S 1° W by said Spurlings’ land 2 miles and 100 rods to a cedar tree;
      then N 89° W 1[8?]6 rods to the northeast corner bound of lot No. 81, deeded to James Clement;
      then southerly by said [James] Clement’s lot to the shore;
      then easterly and northerly by the shore to the head of Otter Creek, so-called;
      then N 9° W 69 rods to the southeast corner bound of lot No. 86, sold to John Stanley;
      then west by said [John] Stanley’s lot 140 rods to a corner;
      then north 206 rods to the northwest corner bound of lot No. 85, sold to Timothy Smallidge;
      then N 80° E 184 rods to a cedar stake, the northeast corner of lot No. 84;
      then S 9° E to the southeast corner of lot No. 82, sold to James Walls;
      then east to the shore;
      then northeasterly by the shore to the southwest corner bound of lot No. 63;
      then northerly by lots Nos. 63, 62, William Lynam’s lot 61, and 60 to the southwest corner bound of lot No. 59, sold to Dean Higgins;
      then N 86° W to the southwest corner of lot No. 58, deeded to Tobias Roberts;
      then north 194 rods to the head line of Israel Higgins settler’s lot;
      then northwesterly by the head of said [Israel] Higgins’s lot, Humphrey Standwood’s, Solomon Higgins’s, and Thomas Wasgatt’s settler lots to the side line of lot No. 56, deeded to Oliver Higgins;
      then S 45° W by lots No. 56 and 57 to the Great or Young’s Pond, so-called, [now Eagle Lake];
      then southerly and westerly around the south end of said pond to the southeast corner bound of lot No. 55, sold to Edward Brewer;
      then N 63° W by said lot No. 55 to the east side of the small pond aforementioned;
      then southerly and westerly around said pond to the outlet, the place of beginning.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Gilmore disposed of [part of?] his portion of this parcel via 83:139–140
   Brewer disposed of his portion of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 10 February 1848
   Towns: Bar Harbor and Mount Desert
   Grantor: John D. Gilmore
   Grantee: Edward Brewer
   Description: 5000 acres, more or less
      All that part of a certain tract of land purchased by myself and the said [Edward] Brewer of Alexander Baring and others by their deed dated the 29th day of July A.D. 1845, and recorded in book 81, page 211 in Hancock County Registry of Deeds, reference thereto to be had [see above],
      lying southerly and easterly of a straight line to be run across said tract from the northwest corner of a lot of land bounded by the said [John D.] Gilmore and [Edward] Brewer to Reuben Salisbury and adjoining Tobias Roberts’s lot in said Eden;
      and from thence in a southwesterly direction over the mountain to the northeast corner of the tract of land now owned or in the possession of George N. and John S. Jordan, and formerly owned by B[enjamin]. and E[noch]. Spurling.
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: 81:211–213
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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Each of the many deeds below cover a portion of the 6144 acres described in 81:211–213 above.

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   Date: 22 April 1868
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Daniel W. Brewer and Porter Brewer
   Grantee: Edward L. Brewer
   Description: 2 parcels of land
      Lot 1: 50 acres, more or less:
         Commencing at the southeast corner of land known as the Zacheus Higgins lot on the west line of lot No. 60 on town plan;
         and following said line to the point of Newport Mountain [now Champlain Mountain];
         then southwesterly on the side of said mountain at the edge of the woods to a pine tree spotted;
         then N 75° W to a pile of stones on the top of Picked Mountain [now Huguenot Head];
         then N 5° E to the south line of Tobias Roberts’ Beverly Lot, so-called;
         then easterly on said line by the head line of John Connors’ and said Zacheus Higgins’ lot to the first bound.
      Lot 2: 75 acres, more or less:
         Commencing at Enoch H. Leland’s southwest corner;
         and following Reuben Salisbury’s line southerly, easterly, and northerly to land formerly occupied by Zacheus Higgins;
         then following his south line easterly to the west line of Tobias Roberts’ Beverly Lot, so-called;
         then following said line southerly to Albert F. Higgins’ northeast corner;
         then following his north line westerly to his northwest corner at the side of Dry Mountain [now Dorr Mountain];
         then in a northwesterly direction to a pile of stones on the dividing line between Brewer and Gilmore, so-called;
         then following said line northeasterly to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained their portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 18 August 1868
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Daniel W. Brewer
   Grantees: Orient H. Carpenter, Porter Brewer, and Perry H. Brewer
   Description: 75 acres, more or less [but see 455:185–186 below with a probably more accurate “84.5 acres, more or less”], “on the top of Green [now Cadillac] Mountain”
      Beginning on Dean[e]’s south line on the north side of the mountain, about 15 rods from road eastward at a pile of rocks and a B marked in the ledge;
      then running S 14° E to a bluff on the south side of the mountain, also marked B;
      then S 56° W to a bluff marked B on the west side of the mountain;
      then N 51° W to said Dean[e]’s line;
      then following said line easterly to the first bound.
   Note: Included in this transaction were “the buildings thereon, the conveyed premises being known as the Mountain House, and outbuildings, and lot”
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantees disposed of this 1/3 of this parcel via 455:185–186

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   Date: 8 June 1888
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Charles H. Lewis
   Grantee: Mount Desert and Eastern Shore Land Company
   Description: 1000 acres, more or less; “being the same parcel of land conveyed to me by Elihu T. Hamor and John J. Carr by their deed dated 7 June 1888, to be recorded herewith”
      Beginning at a point on the east side of Eagle Lake at the mouth of a stream leading from Turtle Lake or Bubble Pond to said Eagle Lake;
      then running southerly, bounded westerly by said stream and said Turtle Lake, to the north line of land conveyed to me by W. E. Hadlock by deed dated 2 June 1888 [see 229:121–123], formerly a part of the Jordan lot so-called;
      then running easterly by said north line, bounded southerly by said land conveyed by Hadlock, to the northeast corner thereof at land of Wellington and the southwest end of the old Gilmore and Brewer division line so-called;
      then running northeasterly by said division line in a straight line over the mountain to land of heirs of Benjamin Ash or the Ash lot so-called;
      then running northerly in a straight line, bounded easterly by said Ash lot, to the southerly corner of what was formerly the Thomas Wasgatt lot as shown and so designated on the old Peters Plan;
      then running northwesterly, bounded northeasterly by said Wasgatt lot, to land of Roberts and others, being lot No. 56 on said plan;
      then running southwesterly, bounded northwesterly by lots Nos. 56 and 57 as shown on said plan, to Eagle Lake;
      then running southerly, bounded westerly by said Eagle Lake, to the point of beginning.
   Note: “Excepting from the above, 5 acres at the Green Mountain Railway terminus, as described in a deed from [Elihu T.] Hamor and [John J.] Carr to me”
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: ???:???

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   Date: 3 June 1908
   Town: Mount Desert
   Grantor: Richard M. Hoe, Tracy Dows, Charlton Dows Cooksey, and Eunice Cooksey, trustees under the Last Will and Testament of Linda Dows Cooksey
   Grantee: Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations
   Description: land surrounding the original location of the Champlain Monument; the monument is now just north of Route 3 and east of the access trail for the Day Mountain carriage roads and Day Mountain trail.
       Beginning at an iron bolt set in the ground at a point N 38° 30′ W of and 6 feet distant from the northwesterly corner of the Champlain Monument;
      then S 82° 45′ E 6 feet to the westerly side of the Sea Cliff Drive;
      then southerly and everywhere following the westerly side line of the Sea Cliff Drive about 14.2 feet to an iron bolt driven in the ground;
      then N 82° 45′ W 8.3 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
      then N 7° 15′ E 14 feet to the point of beginning.
   Note: Also included in the deed: “The parcel above described shall be used for the purposes of a memorial site only and not for any commercial or business purposes, nor for any purposes inconsistent with the reasonable use of the same as a memorial site.”
   Grantors obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: ???:???

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   Date: 28 October 1908
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Frank L. Brewer, individually and as trustee under the will of Daniel W. Brewer
   Grantee: Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations
   Description: 85.4 acres, more or less; “meaning and intending to include and convey one-third of all and the same property described” in 131:341
      Beginning at a point in the Gilmore-Brewer division line or Deane line, so-called, said point being on the northern slope of the mountain [Green in 1908; Cadillac today] and about 250 feet easterly of the mountain road, and is marked by an iron bolt set in the ledge, and a cross cut in the ledge [UTM: 19T 0561663, 4911811; Lat./Long.: N 44°21′25.0″ x W 68°13′34.5″];
      then running S 12° 30′ E 2105 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge near the edge of a steep bluff on the southerly slope of the mountain, and is also marked by a cross cut in the ledge [UTM: 19T 0561983, 4911265; Lat./Long.: N 44°21′7.2″ x W 68°13′20.2″];
      then S 67° 30′ W 2589 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge on the westerly slope of the western ridge of the mountain, and is also marked by a cross cut in the ledge [UTM: 19T 0561385, 4910734; Lat./Long.: N 44°20′50.2″ x W 68°13′47.5″];
      then N 49° 30′ W 660 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge, and a cross cut in the ledge near said bolt [UTM: 19T 0561198, 4910807; Lat./Long.: N 44°20′52.6″ x W 68°13′55.9″], said point being in the Deane line;
      then following said Deane line, N 42° E 3422 feet to the place of beginning.
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: 131:341
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 568:509–521, this being the deed to the United States of America that conveyed the land to what would become Sieur de Monts National Monument, later Lafayette National Park, and now Acadia National Park.

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   Date: 15 December 1909
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Frank L. Brewer, trustee under the will of Daniel W. Brewer
   Grantee: Rodick Realty Company
   Description: 2 lots, “described as follows in the deed (131:119; 22 April 1868) of the same from Daniel W. and Porter Brewer to Edward L. Brewer”
      Lot 1 - 50 acres, more or less:
         Commencing at the southeast corner of land known as the Zacheus Higgins lot on the west line of lot No. 60 on town plan;
         and following said line to the point of Newport Mountain [now Champlain Mountain];
         then southwesterly on the side of said mountain at the edge of the woods to a pine tree spotted;
         then N 75° W to a pile of stones on the top of Picked Mountain [now Huguenot Head];
         then N 5° E to the south line of Tobias Roberts’ Beverly Lot, so-called;
         then easterly on said line by the head line of John Connors’ and said Zacheus Higgins’ lot to the first bound.
      Lot 2 - 75 acres, more or less:
         Commencing at Enoch H. Leland’s southwest corner;
         and following Reuben Salisbury’s line southerly, easterly, and northerly to land formerly occupied by Zacheus Higgins;
         then following his south line easterly to the west line of Tobias Roberts’ Beverly Lot, so-called;
         then following said line southerly to Albert F. Higgins’ northeast corner;
         then following his north line westerly to his northwest corner at the side of Dry Mountain [now Dorr Mountain];
         then in a northwesterly direction to a pile of stones on the division line between Brewer and Gilmore, so-called;
         then following said line northeasterly to the first mentioned bound.
   Note: Excepting from the above any interest therein which was conveyed by the aforesaid deed of Daniel W. Brewer and Porter Brewer to Edward L. Brewer (131:119; 22 April 1868), and also excepting such portion of the above described premises as was included in the deed from the late Daniel W. Brewer to the Trustees of the Bingham Estate (185:169; 23 October 1882).
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 18 December 1909
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Rodick Realty Company
   Grantee: Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations
   Description: land in the vicinity of Cadillac, Dorr, and Champlain Mountains
      Beginning at a large hemlock tree in the west line of land of Charles C, Burrill, said tree marking the southwest corner of the Humphrey Stanwood lot, so-called;
      then S 6° 30′ W, but everywhere following the west line of said land of Burrill, 1338 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said land of Burrill;
      then on the same course, S 6° 30′ W, following the west line of land of John B. How and the estate of Charles T. How, 412.5 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge and a cross cut in the ledge [UTM: 19T 0562533 4912851; Lat./Long.: N 44° 21′ 58.4″ x W 68° 12′ 54.7′] on Kebo Mountain, said bolt marking the southwest corner of said land of How;
      then following the south line of said land of How, S 83° 30′ E 1452 feet to a stone post set in the ground at the southeast corner of said land of How;
      then following the east line of land of said How N 6° 30′ E 178.5 feet to a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground at the southwest corner of land of Sarah A. Ash;
      then following the south line of said land of Ash S 83° 30′ E 202.5 feet to a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground at the northwest corner of land of William M. Roberts known as the “Beverly Lot”;
      then following the west line of said land of Roberts S 3° 30′ W 3524 feet to a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground at the southwest corner of said land of Roberts;
      then following the south line of said Roberts’ land S 80° 10′ E 95 feet, more or less, to a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground in the western side line of the road leading from Bar Harbor to Otter Creek;
      then southerly, but everywhere following the western side line of said Otter Creek Road, 3532 feet, more or less, to an iron bolt set in the ledge in the center of the brook draining the south valley between Newport Mountain [now Champlain Mountain] and Picket Mountain [now Huguenot Head];
      then following said brook, which is in some seasons of the year a brook with a dry bed, northwesterly 435 feet to an iron bolt set in a boulder at the southwesterly side of said brook;
      then S 51° 15′ W 3049 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge, and a cross cut in the ledge, on the crest of the southern ridge of Dry Mountain;
      then N 24° 30′ W to an iron bolt set in the ledge, and a cross cut in the ledge, at the southeast corner of the “Green Mountain Lot”, so-called, being the lot described as conveyed in the deed from Frank L. Brewer, Trustee, to Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations, dated 26 October 1908, and recorded in the Hancock County, Maine, Registry of Deeds in Book 455, Page 185 [see above];
      then following the easterly line of said Green Mountain Lot N 12° 30′ W 2105 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge, and a cross cut in the ledge, at the northeast corner of said lot, said bolt being in an old division line known as the “Gilmore and Brewer line”;
      then following said old division line N 42° E to the hemlock tree, the place of beginning.
   Note: The “large hemlock tree” and the first few directions at the beginning of this deed are the same as the original deed for Sieur de Monts National Monument (568:509–521).
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee transferred this parcel to the U.S.A. as part of 568:509–521.

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   Date: 16 September 1912
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Bar Harbor Water Company
   Grantee: Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations
   Description: land on southwest shore of Eagle Lake
      Beginning on the shore of Eagle Lake, at the southeast corner of land formerly of F. M. and A. E. Conners, and known as the Burleigh Lot;
      then N 58° W, but always following the southern line of said Burleigh Lot to a stake and stones on the road leading to Southwest Valley, so-called, being the southwest corner of said land formerly of F. M. and A. E. Conners;
      then following said road southerly to the north line of land formerly of Fountain Rodick, it being Lot No. 7, according to a survey and plan made by Andrew P. Godell in October 1880;
      then N 75° W, but always following the northerly line of said Lot No. 7, to Richardson & Sargents line, at a stake;
      then S 5° W, following said Richardson & Sargent’s line, 135 rods to a stake, the northwest corner of Lot No. 6, as shown on said plan and known as the Conners Lot;
      then continuing same course, to wit, S 5° W 103 rods to a monument, a birch tree;
      then N 85° W to the town line between the towns of Eden and Mount Desert;
      then southeasterly, but always following said town line between the towns of Eden and Mount Desert to a point in the northerly line of the John S. and George N. Jordan purchase, so-called;
      then easterly but everywhere following said northerly line of said Jordan purchase to the southwest corner of land of William M. Roberts, it being Lot No. 1 on said plan made by Andrew P. Goodell;
      then N 5° E, but always following the western line of land of William M. Robertts, 160 roads to the waters of Eagle Lake;
      then westerly and northerly, following the waters of said Eagle Lake to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained his portion of this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via 623:139 to the U.S.A.

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   Date: 26 January 2009
   Town: Mount Desert
   Grantor: David Rockefeller [Sr.]
   Grantee: Maine Coast Heritage Trust
   Description: Cooksey Drive overlook; 2 acres, more or less (bearings are magnetic north 2008)
      Beginning at an iron pipe found set in the ground at the juncture of the southeasterly side line of Sea Cliff Drive, so-called [now Cooksey Drive], with the westerly corner of land now or formerly of Southerly, LLC, by virtue of the deed from Hudson International, Inc., dated 5 October 2004 and recorded in book 4033, page 342 in the Hancock County, Maine, Registry of Deeds;
      then S 58° 26′ E, but always following the southwesterly side of said land now or formerly of Southerly, LLC, 489.6 feet to an iron rod found set in the ground;
      then S 24° 40′ 46″ E, but always following said southwesterly side of said land now or formerly of Southerly, LLC, 35 feet, more or less, to the approximate high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean;
      then in a generally westerly, then southwesterly, then westerly, then northwesterly, then westerly, then southerly direction, but always following the approximate high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, 358 feet, more or less, to a point located in the approximate high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, which point is located on a course bearing S 29° 24′ 11″ E from a drill hole in ledge found set in the ground in the northeasterly side line of land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee of the Robert P. Kogod 2002 Qualified Personal Residence Trust by virtue of the deed from Robert P. Kogod, dated 25 October 2002 and recorded in book 3441, page 337 in said Registry of Deeds, which drill hole in ledge found set in the ground is located on a course bearing S 63° 37′ 52″ W and 297.69 feet from said last-mentioned iron rod found set in the ground;
      then N 29° 24′ 11″ W but always following said northeasterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, 30 feet, more or less, to said drill hole in ledge found set in the ground;
      then continuing on the same course (N 29° 24′ 11″ W), but always following said northeasterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, 141.41 feet to an iron rod found set in the ground with surveyor’s ID #1091;
      then N 65° 41′ 11″ W, but always following said northeasterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, 115.90 feet to a #5 rebar with surveyor’s ID #1091 to be set in the ground;
      then S 77° 6′ 57″ W, but always following the northwesterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, 20.59 feet to a #5 rebar with surveyor’s ID #1091 to be set in the ground, which #5 rebar with surveyor’s ID #1091 to be set in the ground is located on a course bearing S 12° 2′ 56″ W and 227.39 feet distant from the point and place of beginning;
      then continuing on the same course (S 77° 6′ 57″), but always following said northwesterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, 2.41 feet to the juncture of said northwesterly side line of said land now or formerly of Robert P. Kogod, Trustee, with the easterly side line of Sea Cliff Drive;
      then in a generally northerly, then northeasterly direction, but always following the generally easterly, then southeasterly side line of Sea Cliff Drive, 230 feet, more or less, to said first-mentioned iron pipe found set in the ground, the point and place of beginning.
   Note: Together with the above are the adjoining shore and flats lying between the southwesterly side line of said parcel of land extended S 29° 24′ 11″ E and the northeasterly side line of said parcel of land extended S 24° 40′ 46″ E.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1158:70–145 [to be added above]
   Grantee still owns this parcel.

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