Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - F25

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 30 November 2023)

This parcel is bordered on the north by Cromwell Harbor Brook and on the east by Frenchman Bay, and contains what is now known as Ogden Point.

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantees: Thomas Wasgatt and Stephen Higgins
   Description: 200 acres
      Beginning at a stake and stones just below the mill[s?];
      from thence run northwardly on said [Cromwell Harbor] brook till we come to Mr. Wasgatt’s line near the southeast corner of Rodick’s lot;
      then S 43° W 50 rods to Israel Higgins’s;
      then due south on said line to the corner of said Higgins’s lot;
      then S 59° E 126 rods to Henry Higgins’s line;
      then following said line to the shore;
      then following the shore to the first bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantees disposed of the first lot of this parcel via ???:???

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The deeds below conveyed land that is part of 1:543–544 above.

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   Date: 9 March 1867
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Priscilla Douglass
   Grantee: N. Goddard Gould
   Description: 15 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the northeast corner of Josiah B. Richards’ lot on the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      then S 15° W 15 rods to the brook;
      then on said brook to a cove;
      then easterly, northerly, and westerly following the shore to the place of starting.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee sold two thirds of this parcel, in equal one third undivided parts to each of two grantees via: 128:212 and 128:213

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   Date: 20 March 1867
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: N. Goddard Gould
   Grantee: Tobias Roberts
   Description: one undivided third of 15 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the northeast corner bound of Josiah B. Richards’ land;
      then S 15° W 15 rods to a brook;
      then following the brook to a cove easterly;
      then northerly and westerly following the shore to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 128:207
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: ???:???

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   Date: 20 March 1867
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: N. Goddard Gould
   Grantee: J. Disco Jenness
   Description: one undivided third of 15 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the northeast bound of Josiah B. Richards’ lot on the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      then S 15° W 15 rods to a brook;
      then following said brook to a cove;
      then following the shore easterly and westerly to the place of starting.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 128:207
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: ???:???

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   Date: 24 August 1868
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: N. Goddard Gould, Tobias Roberts, Mary Roberts, Joseph Disco Jenness, Mary Elizabeth Jenness
   Grantee: Gouverneur M. Ogden
   Description: 15 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the northeast corner bound of Josiah B. Richards’ land on the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      then running S 15° W 15 rods to a brook;
      then following the brook to a cove easterly;
      then northerly and westerly following the shore to the point of beginning.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: 198:254–257

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   Date: [?]
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: estate of Gouverneur M. Ogden
   Grantee: Harriet V. Ogden
   Description: 15 acres, more or less
      “all the estate real and personal and wheresoever situate of which I may be seized or possessed or to which I [Gouverneur M. Ogden] may be in any manner entitled or which may be subject to my disposition unto my wife Harriet V. Ogden for the term of her natural life.”
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 132:99–102
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via: 239:53–55

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   Date: 31 August 1889
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Harriet V. Ogden [widow of Gouverneur M. Ogden]
   Grantee: George W. Vanderbilt
   Description: 15 acres, more or less; “the premises usually known as Ogden’s Point–
      Bounded northerly, easterly, and southerly by the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      westerly by the land of Edward Cole[s?]; and
      partly in the south and west by a brook separating the premises hereby conveyed from land now or late of Gardiner Sherman.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 198:254–257
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 17 May 1917
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Harry Nathans
   Grantee: Mary Howard Scott (wife of Edgar T. Scott)
   Description: three parcels, constituting the estate of Harry Nathans, “known as ‘Chiltern’, consisting of lands, dwelling house, stable, green-house, boat-house, wharf and other buildings, together with the furniture and furnishings therein and all the contents of all buildings”.
      Parcel 1 (13 acres, more or less):
         Beginning on the Schooner Head Road at the bridge crossing the Cromwell’s Harbor Stream;
         then generally easterly, but everywhere following said stream by its various courses and distances 876 feet, more or less, to tide water at the shore of Cromwell’s Harbor;
         then generally southerly but everywhere following the shore by its various courses and distances 818 feet, more or less, to a post set in the ground in the northern line of land formerly of John Markoe, deceased;
         then S 86° W, but everywhere following the said northern line of said land formerly of John Markoe, deceased, 363 feet to an angle in said line;
         then still following said Markoe line, and the northern line of land formerly of Barry and Pineo and now of Matilda C Markoe, N 84° E 607.2 feet to the Schooner Head Road;
         then northerly but everywhere following said Schooner Head Road 637 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning,
         together with the shore in front of and adjacent to the above described land and lying between said stream on the north and the shore formerly owned or occupied by said John Markoe on the south, subject to all paramount public right in and to the said Schooner Head Road and the said shore.
      Parcel 2 (52,502 square feet):
         Beginning in the center of Cromwell’s Harbor Brook on the western side of Main Street;
         then by said stream S 5° W 117.7 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground in or near the western side of said street;
         then still following said street S 6° 30' W 14.3 feet to another iron bolt set in the ground in or near the western side line of said street;
         then S 88° W 330 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground;
          then N 44° 50' E, crossing said Cromwell’s Harbor Brook 131.4 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground in the south line of land of Fountain and Sirens H. Rodick;
         then following the south line of said land of said Rodick S 89 ° E 84 feet to the center of said Cromwell’s Harbor Brook at a point about 10 feet westerly from a stump standing near land hereby conveyed;
         then following said Cromwell’s Harbor Brook by its various courses and distances but generally easterly to the point of beginning.
      Parcel 3 (3.32 acres, more or less):
         Beginning at a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground in the western side line of Maine Street, at the southeast corner of lot of land conveyed by Charles B. Pineo to said Edgar Scott [311:250];
         then S 88° W but always following the south line of said lot conveyed by said Pineo to Scott 330 feet to a stone post set in the ground at the southwest corner of said lot;
         then N 4° 15' E but always following line of said lot conveyed by Pineo to Scott 132 feet to a piece of iron pipe driven in the ground near a maple tree, it being the northwest corner of said lot above mentioned;
         then N 88° 45' W but always following the southern line of land formerly of F. & S. H. Rodick, now of Rodick Realty Company, 202.29 feet to a stone post set in the ground in the eastern side line of School Street;
         then S 6° 45' W but always following said School Street 156.25 feet to a stone post set in the ground in the northern side of Cromwell Harbor Road;
         then following said Cromwell Harbor Road by the two courses and distances next following to wit:
            first, S 45° 30' E 172.25 feet to a stone post set in the ground;
            then S 56° 45' E 445.75 feet to a stone post set in the ground in the eastern side line of Main Street;
         then N 6° 35' E but always following said Main Street 395.3 feet to the place of beginning.
   Note: Parcel 1 above is now [2018] 5 parcels.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: [1 November 1954?]
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Chiltern, Incorporated
   Grantee: Bertha Palmer Thorne
   Description: 4.913 acres, more or less
      Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Main Street and at the thread or center line of Cromwell Harbor Brook, said point being the southwest corner of land owned by the devisees of Ethel M. Torrance, deceased;
      then following the thread or center line of Cromwell Harbor Brook in a generally easterly direction a distance of 912 feet, more or less, measured along the center line of said Cromwell Harbor Brook to high water mark of Cromwell Harbor;
      then in a generally southerly direction but always following the line of high water mark of Cromwell Harbor a distance of 306 feet, more or less, to a point in high water mark bearing S 57° 50' E and being distant 30 feet, more or less, from a stone bound set in the ground at the top of the bank near high water mark of Cromwell Harbor;
      then N 57° 50' W 30 feet, more or less, to said stone bound;
      then on same course N 57° 50' W 288.9 feet to a stone bound set in the ground;
      then N 49° 48' W 182.7 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge;
      then S 76° 23' W 143.9 feet to an iron bolt set in the ledge;
      then N 83° 15' W 420.6 feet to a stone bound set in the ground in the easterly line of Main Street;
      then N 6° 45' E but always following the easterly line of Main Street 143 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
      except a right-of-way 16 feet wide, extending from Main Street in an easterly direction to said land of the grantor.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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