Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - F24

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 4 November 2023)

The deed found in book 1 on pages 371–372 included two parcels on the Peters Plan: F24 (first lot) and B11 (back lot). This page follows transactions involving the first lot (F24).

This first lot contained most of what is now downtown Bar Harbor and all the shoreline from at least as far north as the town dock to the mouth of Cromwell Harbor Brook.

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: Thomas Wasgatt Jr./2nd [Jr. on plan; 2nd in deed]
   Description: 2 lots: first lot (140 acres) and back lot (60 acres)
      first lot (140 acres):
         Beginning at the stake and stones, the bounds between him and Daniel Rodick;
         from thence run first due south 203 rods to a spruce tree;
         then due west 37 rods to Mr. Higgins’ line;
         then south on said line 48 rods;
         then N 4[3]° E 50 rods or until [...] come to the brook;
         then following said brook to the shore;
         then following the shore to the first-mentioned bound.
      back lot (60 acres):
         [Begin] at the southwest corner of Ezra Leland’s lot;
         run first S 45° W 180 rods to a stake;
         then N 45° W 33.3 rods;
         then N 45° E 178 rods to Leland’s line;
         then following said line to the first bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of the first lot of this parcel via 16:190 and ???:???

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   Date: 21 November 1801
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Thomas Wasgatt 2nd
   Grantee: Thomas Wasgatt 3rd
   Description: acreage not given in deed
      Beginning at the stake and stones on the shore, the bound between Daniel Rodick’s lot and said [Thomas] Wasgatt [2nd];
      run due south to Cromwell Harbor Brook;
      then east on said brook 32.5 rods;
      then due north to the shore;
      then following the shore to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 1:371–372
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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The deeds below conveyed land that is part of 1:371–372 above.

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   Date: 11 May 1839
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Stephen Higgins
   Grantee: Stephen Higgins Jr.
   Description: 50 acres, more or less, “with the exception of one-half acre where the former sawmill stood”
      Beginning at a stake at the county road [this portion now called Main Street] adjoining land formerly owned by the grantor;
      and runs first a due East course to the seashore;
      then following said shore to the mouth of Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called;
      then following said brook or stream to the county road;
      then folioing said county road as said road now runs to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 91:188–189

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   Date: 3 January 1851
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Stephen Higgins Jr.
   Grantee: Giles Snow
   Description: 50 acres, more or less
      Beginning at a stake at the county road [this portion now called Main Street] and adjoining land owned by Stephen Higgins Jr.;
      then run first a due East course to the seashore;
      then following said shore to the mouth of Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called;
      then following said brook or stream to the county road;
      then following said county road as said road now runs to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 66:360–361
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 1 December 1852
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Giles Snow
   Grantee: John Woodbury
   Description: 3 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the bridge on Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called;
      then northerly following the highway to Giles Snow’s cross fence near a small bridge in the highway;
      then following said fence easterly to said Snow’s garden fence;
      then following said garden fence southerly to a stake at the brook;
      then following said brook to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 27 January 1869
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Giles Snow
   Grantee: Edward S. Rand
   Description: 45 acres, more or less
      Beginning at a stake at the southwest corner of land owned by Oliver Higgins, on the easterly side of [the] highway [this portion of now called Main Street];
      running first a due East course to the seashore;
      then following the shore southerly to the point;
      then, turning the point, following the shore westerly to the Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called,
      then following the brook up to land owned by A. F. Higgins;
      then following said land northerly to Snow’s garden fence;
      then westerly, following said Higgins line to the highway;
      the following the highway northerly to [the] first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 154:335–337

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   Date: 14 April 1876
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Edward S. Rand, Jr.
   Grantee: Thomas Wigglesworth
   Description: “one undivided half part” of the below-described parcel; specific number of acres not mentioned in the deed
      Beginning at a stake at the southwest corner of land owned by Oliver Higgins, on the easterly side of [the] highway [this part now called Main Street];
      and first running a due East course to the seashore;
      then following the shore southerly to the Point;
      then turning the point, following the shore westerly to the Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called;
      then following the brook up to land owned by A. F. Higgins;
      then following said land northerly to Snow’s garden fence;
      then westerly, following said Higgins’s line to the highway;
      then following the highway northerly to [the] first-mentioned bound.
   Note: It appears that pages 336–337 conveyed the remaining “half part”.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 133:203
   Grantee disposed of a portion of this parcel via 166:47–50

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   Date: 1 January 1879
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Thomas Wigglesworth
   Grantee: Jacob M. Da Costa
   Description: 21.5 acres according to the plan on 166:47
      Beginning at a point on the easterly side of the Schooner Head Road, so-called [this part now called Main Street], where the said road crosses the brook running into Cromwell Harbor (the said point being the middle line of the said brook);
      then running northerly by the said road 632 feet, more or less, to the middle of a road 50 feet wide to be laid out, one-half over the land of each of the parties hereto as shown on the plan hereinafter mentioned;
      then running easterly by the middle line of the said proposed road 1100, more or less, to a corner where the said road turns southerly at [a] right angle;
      then turning and running southerly on the easterly side of the said proposed road by land released to me [Thomas Wigglesworth] by the said Da Costa by deed of even date herewith 307 feet, more or less, to a corner;
      then turning and running easterly by the land released to me [Thomas Wigglesworth] as aforesaid by the said Da Costa 711 feet, more or less, to the sea and continuing in the same direction to low water mark;
      then turning and running southerly and westerly by the sea and by Cromwell Harbor by the line of low water mark and by the center line of the brook running into Cromwell Harbor at various courses, but generally southerly and westerly to the Schooner Head Road [this part now called Main Street], the point of beginning.
      Reserving to me [Thomas Wigglesworth] and my heirs and assigns in common with the said Da Costa and his heirs and assigns the right to pass and repass in and over, and to lay drains and water pipes under that part of the said granted premises which [is] included in the said proposed road, and granting to the said Da Costa and his heirs and assigns like rights in, over, and under that part of the land released by him to me as aforesaid, which is included in the said road, the said road to be made and maintained at the joint expense of those parties entitled to use the same.
   Grantor obtained this parcel as part of: 154:335–337
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 30 October 1903
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Sophie B. Thayer
   Grantee: John S. Kennedy
   Description: 2.17 acres, more or less; between Wayman Lane and Livingston Road
      Beginning at a stone monument set in the ground at the northwest corner of land of the late Miss Anna Rotch on the south side of Wayman Lane;
      then running S 4° 10′ W 505.8 feet to a stone monument at the southwest corner of said Rotch lot on the north side of Livingston Road;
      then deflecting 90 degrees to the right for a tangent to a reverse curve of 141-foot radius for the first half and 191 feet for the second half with parallel tangents and a total angle of deflection of 18 degrees and 32 minutes to the right from said tangent running on these curves, but everywhere following the northern line of said Livingston Road, to a stone monument at the southeast corner of land belonging to How and Bates, this monument which bears N 67° 18′ W from the stone monument at the beginning of the curve and at a distance of 210.9 feet from it;
      then deflecting 90 degrees to the right and running N 4° 10′ E 437.8 feet to a stone monument at the northeast corner of the How and Bates lot on the south side of Wayman Lane;
      then deflecting 89 degrees and 42 minutes to the right and running S 86° 8′ E 200 feet along the southern line of said Wayman Lane to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 469:171–177

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   Date: 12 January 1904
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Johnston Livingston
   Grantee: John S. Kennedy
   Description: 14 acres, more or less
      Beginning at the junction of the county road [now Main Street] with the private way known as Livingston Road [see 183:280 for a description of Livingston Road];
      then running easterly, but everywhere following the center line of said Livingston Road, 623 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of land formerly of Sophia B. Thayer, and now of the grantee herein, said center line of said Livingston Road in the part thereof above described being also the southern line of land formerly of Charles T. How and Frank C. Bates, and now or late of Fountain Rodick;
      then southeasterly and easterly, but everywhere following the center line of said Livingston Road, 200 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of land formerly of Sophia B. Thayer and now the grantee herein, the said center line of the Livingston Road in the part thereof next hereinabove described being also the southern line of said land formerly of Sophia B. Thayer, and now of the grantee herein;
      then easterly, still following the center line of said Livingston Road, 200 feet, more or less, to the southeastern corner of land of Anna S. Rotch, the said center line of said Livingston Road in the part thereof next hereinabove described being also the southern line of said land of Anna S. Rotch;
      then easterly, but everywhere following a production of the said southern line of said land of Anna S. Rotch, 50 feet to the western line of land formerly of Charles J. Morrill, deceased, and now of his estate;
      then southerly, but everywhere following the western line of said land formerly of Charles J. Morrill, deceased, and now of his estate [see 189:499 for a description of this line], to a stone post at the southwest corner of said land formerly of Charles J. Morrill, in the north line of land of the grantee herein;
      then westerly, but everywhere following the north line of said land of the grantee herein, 10 feet to the northwest corner of said land of the grantee herein;
      then following the west line of land and west line of shore of the grantee herein [see 258:49 and 262:135 for a description of these lines], or however otherwise said land of the grantee herein may be bounded by the several courses and distances of said line, but generally southerly and southeasterly to the southwest corner of said land and shore of the grantee herein, in the center line of Cromwell Harbor Brook, so-called;
      then following up said brook by the center line thereof in its various windings, but generally westerly to said county road, said center line of said brook being also the northern line of land of Edgar Scott;
      then northerly, but everywhere following said Schooner Head Road [this portion now Main Street], 634 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 469:171–177

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   Date: 2 April 1910
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: John Stewart Kennedy
   Grantee: Emma B. Kennedy
   Description: Kenarden Lodge
      From article 2, number 6 of his probated will: “I give and devise to my said wife [Emma B. Kennedy], absolutely, Kenarden Lodge, my country place at Bar Harbor, Maine, including all structures thereon, and all lands and other real property owned by me at Bar Harbor, Maine.”
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 401:74–77 and 403:180–187
   Grantee disposed of a portion of this estate via 640:531–533

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   Date: 9 May 1933
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Stephen Baker, F. Leonard Kellogg (executors of the last will and testament of Emma B. Kennedy)
   Grantee: Ethel M. Dorrance
   Description: “property having been known for many years as Kenarden Lodge”
      Beginning at the junction of Main Street with the center line of Livingston Road (a town way);
      then easterly, but everywhere following the center line of said Livingston Road, 623 feet, more or less, to the center line of a private way 50 feet wide, which way was established by 272:328;
      then southeasterly and easterly, but everywhere following the center line of said right of way, 200 feet, more or less, to the southeastern corner of the land formerly of Sophia B. Thayer and now of the estate of Emma B. Kennedy;
      then easterly, still following the center line of said private way, 200 feet, more or less, to the southeastern corner of land formerly of Anna S. Rotch and now of Emilie P. Kellogg, the same being the westerly side of a private way known as Barberry Lane or Carr Avenue;
      then continuing on the same course 50 feet to the land formerly of Charles J. Morrill;
      then southerly, but everywhere following the western line of said land formerly of Morrill as described in 189:499 and along the ewestly face of the stone wall erected by said Charles J. Morrill, to the southwesterly corner of the granite post at the southerly end of said stone wall aforesaid and the southwest corner of land formerly of Charles J. Morrill;
      then S 86° E, but everywhere following the southerly line of land formerly of Charles J. Morrill (see 189:496), 45 rods, more or less, to an iron bolt fixed in a rock on the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      then continuing the same course, but always following the south line of land formerly of Morrill to low water mark of Frenchman Bay;
      then generally southerly and westerly, following low water mark by its various windings and turnings to the mouth of Cromwell Harbor Brook;
      then following up said brook by the center line thereof in its various windings, but generally westerly, to the county road, known as Main Street;
      then northerly by said Main Street 634 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 469:171–177
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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