Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - F22

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 29 July 2024)

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: Israel Higgins
   Description: 200 acres
      Begin at a stump, the bound between Solomon Higgins and Israel Higgins;
      run first due S 437 rods to a pine stake that stands in the meadow;
      then due E 77 rods to a pine stake;
      then due N to the shore;
      [then following the shore] to the first-mentioned bound.
   Note: On 2 September 1794, Israel Higgins used this parcel as collateral for a loan of 105 pounds from Samuel Jackson of Plymouth, Massachusetts (2:526–527). On 16 June 1800, the loan was repaid for $300 plus interest (95:116). In this latter deed the mortgage was incorrectly referenced as “book 2 folio 265” (rather than folio 526).
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 17 June 1843
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Stephen Higgins, Samuel Eaton, and Mary Eaton
   Grantee: Zaccheus Higgins
   Description: 200 acres
      Beginning at north[west?] corner of land occupied by the heirs of Daniel Rodick [at?] the shore;
      then south on the line of said heirs of Daniel Rodick south until it comes to the meadow so-called;
      then west to a stake about 80 rods;
      then north on the line of land formerly occupied by Solomon Higgins untilit comes to the shore;
      then along the shore to the first-mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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The following deeds conveyed land that was part of the 200-acre parcel described in 2:555–556 above.

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   Date: 30 July 1892
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Juliette Nickerson
   Grantee: L. Taylor Dickson
   Description: a rectangular lot extending from Cottage Street to Frenchman Bay.
      [Bounded] northerly by the sea;
      easterly by land of Sherley;
      southerly by Cottage Street; and
      westerly by land late of Jacob Suminsby, deceased.
   Note: “The intent of this deed is to convey all rights and easements which the grantor may have in land of the grantee and especially to fully release and extinguish a certain right of way from Cottage Street to the sea across land of the grantor claimed by the grantors [sic] however and wherever said right of way may have been acquired.”
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee’s widow disposed of a portion of this parcel via 372:483–487

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   Date: 17 November 1892
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Juliette Nickerson
   Grantee: L. Taylor Dickson
   Description: a rectangular lot extending from Cottage Street to Frenchman Bay.
      Bounded on the north by low water mark of Frenchmans Bay;
      on the east by a lot of land formerly conveyed by Alcenus Higgins and afterward owned by the Mt. Desert Island Real Estate Company and Almon C. Snow;
      on the south by Cottage Street; and
      on the west by the western line of the original Israel Higgins lot.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee’s widow disposed of a portion of this parcel via 372:483–487

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   Date: 17 March 1902
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: Two parcels: (1) 2 acres, more or less, between West Street and high water mark of Frenchman Bay; (2) the shore and flats in front of (1)
      First parcel:
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5°40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark at the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore, to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of said Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then easterly but always following said West Street, 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 391.6 feet to a bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning.
      Second parcel:
         Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of [the] shore the said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land [i.e., the “First parcel” above]
         then N 5°40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the bay;
         then generally westerly, but everywhere following the line of said low water mark, 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35°30′ W, but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of said L. Taylor Dickson now of his estate, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark at the northwest career of the lot of land above described [i.e., the “First parcel” above]
then generally easterly, but everywhere following the line of high water mark, to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: [to be added]
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company (executor in last will and testament of L. Taylor Dickson)
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: Two parcels: (1) 2 acres, more or less, between West Street and high water mark of Frenchman Bay; (2) the shore and flats in front of (1)
      First parcel:
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5°40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark at the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore, to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of said Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then easterly but always following said West Street, 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 391.6 feet to a bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning.
      Second parcel:
         Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of [the] shore the said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land [i.e., the “First parcel” above]
         then N 5°40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the bay;
         then generally westerly, but everywhere following the line of said low water mark, 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35°30′ W, but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of said L. Taylor Dickson now of his estate, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark at the northwest career of the lot of land above described [i.e., the “First parcel” above]
then generally easterly, but everywhere following the line of high water mark, to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: 24 December 1901
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Jeanie G. Dickson, widow of L. Taylor Dickson
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: 2 acres, more or less, between West Street and high water mark of Frenchman Bay
      Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
      then N 5°40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark at the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
      then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of said Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
      then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
      then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
      then easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
      then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to a bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning.
   Grantor’s deceased husband obtained this parcel via: 264:324 and 268:75
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: 17 March 1902
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital
   Grantees: Charles B. Pineo, Thomas F. Moran, and Everard H. Greely
   Description: three acres, more or less, between Cottage Street and West Street
      Beginning at a stone bound set in the ground in the northerly line of Cottage Street in the easterly line of land formerly of Higgins, said stone bound being the southwest corner bound of the herein described lot;
      then N 5°40′ E but always following the easterly line of land of said Higgins and the easterly line of land of Blanchfield, 321 feet to other land formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, now of his estate;
      then on [the] same course, to wit: N 5°40′ E but always following the easterly line of said other land of said Dickson, 70.8 feet to a stone bound set in the ground in the southerly line of West Street, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the herein described lot;
      then S 84°50′ E but always following said West Street, 348 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground in the southern line of said West Street and in the western line of land of George Douglass Sherley, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the within described lot of land;
      then S 5°40′ W but always following the said western line of land of said Sherley, 400 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground in said western line of said Sherley and in the said northern line of said Cottage Street, said stone bound being the southeastern corner bound of the within described lot of land;
      then N 82°50′ W but always following the said north line of said Cottage Street, 348 feet, more or less to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 24 December 1901
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: George Douglass Sherley
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: quit claim to any property west of the line established in this deed
      Beginning in the center line of West Street, at a point bearing S 5° 40′ W and 25 feet, more or less, distant from a bolt set in the ground in the northerly line of said West Street, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of land formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, now of his estate;
      then N 5° 40′ E 293 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark on the shore.
   Note: The purpose of this deed was to establish the line between the land of George S. Bowdoin (to the west of the line) and the land of George Douglass Sherley (to the east of the line). With the later acquisition of Sherley’s land by Bowdoin, this line no longer marked a boundary.
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: 17 March 1911
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, trustees of William Bingham estate
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: land between high water mark and low water mark of Frenchman Bay, adjacent to 372:483–487 above, “said lot or parcel of shore and flats being 500 feet more or less in length”
      [bounded] on the north by the line of low water mark of said [Frenchman] bay;
      on the east by the west line of the shore and flats adjacent to and in front of the upland of [George] Douglass Sherley;
      on the south by the line of high water mark of said bay;
      on the west by the east line of the shore and flats adjacent to and in front of the Pine Tree Realty Company, Lucy G. Clark and estate of Jane P. Dennison and Sarah S. Hewitt.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: 5 October 1911
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: George Douglass Sherley
   Grantee: George S. Bowdoin
   Description: land between West Street and low water mark of Frenchman Bay, approximately 108.3 feet along West Street and immediately east of Bowdoin’s property of 372:483–487 and 478:450–451.
      Beginning at the southeast corner of a brick pier on the northern side of West Street, in the division line of land of Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from me [Sherley] to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9, 4 March 1902);
      then from said southeast corner of said brick pier but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E, the two following distances: 268 feet to the stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman Bay, then 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
      then generally northeasterly but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the western line of land of Caroline Blish Thompson;
      then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land of Carolinne Blish Thompson, the two following distances: 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark, then 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said northerly line of West Street;
      then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 510:12–16

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   Date: 2 August 1914
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: estate of George S. Bowdoin
   Grantees: Julia Grinnell Bowdoin (widow of George S. Bowdoin) and Edith Grinnell Bowdoin (daughter of George S. Bowdoin)
   Description: inheritance.
      “all lands which at the date of my death I may own at Bar Harbor”
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 372:471–476, 372:477–483, 372:483–487, 478:450–451, and 484:71–73
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 22 November 1943
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Beeckman J. Delatour, Irving B. Kingsford, and George T. Bowdoin
   Grantee: Helen N. Cough
   Description: six lots, the first two being adjacent and previously owned (but purchased separately) by George Sullivan Bowdoin.
      First lot:
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of said Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then easterly but always following said West Street, 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street, 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit:
         Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the bay;
         then generally westerly, but everywhere following the line of said low water mark, 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W, but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally easterly, but everywhere following the line of high water mark, to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however, subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed to George S. Bowdoin by deeds dated and recorded in Hancock County, Maine, Registry of Deeds, as follows: From The Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, Executor, dated March 10, 1902, Book 372, Page 477; from The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, dated February 28, 1902, Book 372, Page 471; from Jeanie G. Dickson, dated December 24, 1901, Book 372, Page 483; from Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, Trustees, dated March 17, 1911, Book 478, Page 450; and from George Douglass Sherley, dated March 4, 1902, Book 380, Page 9.
      Second lot:
         Beginning at the southeast corner of a brick pier on the northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9, 4 March 1902);
         then from said southeast corner of said brick pier but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances: 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman Bay, and 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally northeasterly but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances: 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark, and 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed by George Douglass Sherley to George S. Bowdoin by deed dated October 5, 1911 and recorded in said Registry in Book 484, Page 71.
      Third lot:
         Beginning at a stone bound set in the ground, in the southerly side line of West Street, being the northeast corner of the lot herein conveyed and the northwest corner of the Sherley Lot (formerly so called);
         then in a westerly direction following said West Street 348 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground in the easterly line of land formerly of the estate of L. Taylor Dickson, being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein conveyed;
         then in a southerly direction, following the eastern line of said land formerly of the estate of L. Taylor Dickson and the eastern line of the P. W. Blanchfield lot (formerly so called), 245 feet to an iron bolt set in the ground, said bolt being the southwest corner bound of the lot herein conveyed;
         then in an easterly direction parallel with and everywhere 245 feet distant from the said southern side line of West Street, 348 feet, more or less, to an iron bolt set in the grounding the western side line of the said Sherley Lot, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the lot herein conveyed;
         then in a northerly direction, following the said western sideline of the said Sherley Lot, 245 feet to the said stone bound at the point of beginning, together with all rights, if any, of the grantors in and to the land in said West Street in front of the above-described lot.
         The above-described Third Lot is hereby conveyed expressly subject to the restrictions, if any now in force, as set forth in the deed from Mary Ann Greely et als. to George S. Bowdoin, dated September 19, 1903 and recorded in said Registry in Book 396, Page 419, and to any rights that the Town of Bar Harbor may have in any sewer now on said premises.
         Said premises are also hereby conveyed subject to the right of way for the building and maintaining of a sewer as granted by George S. Bowdoin to the inhabitants of the Town of Eden by indenture dated November 18, 1905 and recorded in said Registry in Book 427, Page 514.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed to George S. Bowdoin by said deed from Mary Ann Greely et als., and to said George S. Bowdoin by said Inhabitants of the Town of Eden by said indenture, and to said George S. Bowdoin by Edward B. Mears by deed dated April 4, 1912 and recorded in said Registry in Book 488, Page 522.
      Fourth lot:
         Beginning at a stone bound set in the ground in the northerly line of Cottage Street, said stone bound being the southeasterly corner bound of land formerly of L. Taylor Dickson;
         then N 5° 55′ E but always following the easterly line of land formerly of L. Taylor Dickson the two following distances, to wit: 400 feet to a stone post set in the ground in the southerly line of West Street, then 24.75 feet to the center line of said West Street;
         then turning and running in an easterly direction but always following the said center line of West Street, 108 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of land formerly of R. Hamor and Sons;
         then turning and running S 6° 20′ W but always following the said westerly line of land formerly of R. Hamor and Sons the three following distances, to wit: 24.75 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground, then 212 feet to a stone post set in the ground, then 189 feet to the northerly line of said Cottage Street;
         then N 84° 30′ W by said Cottage Street 106.5 feet to the said stone post at the place of beginning; containing 0.986 of an acre.
         Mean[ing] and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed by George Douglass Sherley to said George S. Bowdoin by deed dated March 15, 1912 and recorded in said Registry in Book 487, Page 369.
      Fifth lot:
         Bounded northerly by West Street (running about S 85° 10′ E) 165 feet, more or less,
         easterly by Holland Avenue (running about S 6° 30′ W) 240.15 feet, more or less;
         southerly by the north line (running about N 83° 20′ W) of land now or formerly of Tower 165 feet, more or less;
         westerly by the east line (running about N 6° 30′ E) of land formerly of [George] Douglass Sherley 236.75 feet, more or less; and containing .93 of an acre, more or less;
         Also all the right, title and interest of the said grantors herein in said West Street and said Holland Avenue adjoining and contiguous to said premises herein described as conveyed.
         All said premises herein conveyed are however, so conveyed subject to the right, if any, of the public in and to said West Street and in and to said Holland Avenue, so called, where the same cross the premises herein conveyed.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed by Catherine Pingree Dawes to Edith Grinnell Bowdoin, by deed dated January 28, 1921 and recorded in said Registry in Book 561, Page 73.
      Sixth lot:
         Beginning at an iron bolt set in the ground in the southern line of the George S. Bowdoin lot formerly so called and at the northwest corner bound of the Shea lot formerly so called, and being the northeast corner of the lot herein conveyed;
         then in a westerly direction but everywhere following the southern line of the said George S. Bowdoin lot 175 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of the P. W. Blanchfield lot formerly so called;
         then in a southerly direction but everywhere following the eastern line of the said P. W. Blanchfield lot 40 feet, more or less, to the lot conveyed by Mary Ann Greely, Thomas F. Moran, and Charles B. Pineo to Frank G. Stevens;
         then in an easterly direction parallel with the first described line and 40 feet distant therefrom 175 feet, more or less, to the western line of the said Shea lot;
         then in a northerly direction, but everywhere following [the] western line of the said Shea lot 40 feet more or less to the point for beginning.
         Together with a way for all purposes of a way in common with all others lawfully entitled thereto from the above-described lot over Cadillac Avenue to Cottage Street.
         The premises herein conveyed are herein conveyed expressly subject to any rights the town of Bar Harbor may have to maintain a public sewer in any part of the above-described property.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed by Mary Ann Greely et als. to George S. Bowdoin by deed dated August 10, 1906 and recorded in said Registry in Book 432, Page 321, and by deed dated August 2, 1906 and recorded in said Registry in Book 432, Page 320.
         Excepting and reserving herefrom and not hereby conveying the following described lot or parcel of land, together with all the buildings situated thereon, bounded and described as follows, to wit:
         Beginning on the western line of Holland Avenue at the northeast corner of land of Tower;
         then following the northern line of land of Tower and a continuation thereof, in a westerly direction, 149 and 2/3 feet;
         then turning and running in a southerly direction, parallel to and 149 and 2/3 feet distant from said western line of Holland Avenue, 190 feet to the northern line of Cottage Street;
         then turning and running 106 feet in a westerly direction along Cottage Street;
         then turning and running 325 feet in a northerly direction parallel to and 256 and 2/3 feet distant from said western line of Holland Avenue;
         then turning and running in an easterly direction, parallel to and 75 feet distant from the southern line of West Street, 256 and 2/3 feet to said western line of Holland Avenue;
         then turning and running in a southerly direction along said Holland Avenue, 139 and 1/12 feet to the place of beginning.
         All of the premises hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises.
         Said Irving B. Kingsford and said George T. Bowdoin are the sole heirs-at-law of Edith Grinnell Bowdoin, late of New York City, County and State, deceased, and said Beeckman J. Delatour and said Irving B. Kingsford are the sole devisees of the above-described premises under the instrument executed November 13, 1942 and offered for probate in the Surrogate’s Court, New York County, New York, as the last will and testament of said Edith Grinnell Bowdoin.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: 372:483–487, 478:450–451, and 484:71–73
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 21 October 1944
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Helen N. Cough
   Grantee: Ethel D. Colket
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street, together with the buildings thereon.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less, but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed to George S. Bowdoin by deeds as follows: from The Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, Executor (372:477 dated 10 March 1902); from The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital (372:471 dated 28 February 1902); from Jeanie G. Dickson (372:483 dated 24 December 1901; from Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, Trustees (478:450 dated 17 March 1911); and from George Douglass Sherley (380:9 dated 4 March 1902).       Lot 2
         Beginning at the southeast corner of a brick pier on the northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances, to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed by George Douglass Sherley to George S. Bowdoin by deed (484:21 dated 5 October 1911).          All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 694:552–555
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 1007:271–301

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   Date: 2 August 1954
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Celia Cunningham (widow of Charles E. Cunningham and devisee of his estate)
   Grantees: Francis P. Ahlblad and Ida M. Ahlblad
   Description: a rectangular lot along Cadillac Avenue.
      Commencing on the eastern line of the P. W. Blanchfield lot, so called, and at the southwestern corner bound of a lot conveyed by Mary Ann Greely to Mark B. Grant;
      then in an easterly direction following the southern line of the said Grant lot 74 feet, more or less, to the western side of Cadillac Avenue;
      then in a southerly direction, but everywhere following the western side line of said Cadillac Avenue, 41 feet, more or less, to the northern side line of a 10-foot way;
      then in a westerly direction, but everywhere following the northern line of said way, 74 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of the said Blanchfield property;
      then in a northerly direction 39.5 feet, more or les, to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via 1143:375–376

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   Date: 5 April 1966 (probate court session)
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Ethel D. Colket
   Grantees: Tristram C. Colket, Tristram C. Colket Jr., John T. Dorrance Jr., and Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company (trustees under the last will and testament of Ethel D. Colket)
   Description: assets conveyed included La Rochelle (127 West Street) in Bar Harbor
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 698:483–484
   Grantees disposed of this parcel via 1021:265–271

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   Date: 7 September 1966
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Tristram C. Colket, Tristram C. Colket Jr., John T. Dorrance Jr., Fidelity-Phiadelphia Trust Company (trustees under the last will and testament of Ethel D. Colket)
   Grantee: Ruth L. Sleeper
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street, together with the buildings thereon.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the northern line of West Street in the western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general westerly and southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less, but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed to George S. Bowdoin by deeds as follows: from The Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, Executor (372:477 dated 10 March 1902); from The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital (372:471 dated 28 February 1902); from Jeanie G. Dickson (372:483 dated 24 December 1901; from Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, Trustees (478:450 dated 17 March 1911); and from George Douglass Sherley (380:9 dated 4 March 1902).       Lot 2
         Beginning at the southeast corner of a brick pier on the northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances, to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
         Reference is hereby ade to deed from Helen N. Cough to Ethel D. Colket (698:483 dated 21 October 1944).
         The said Ethel D. Colket died testate and a resident of Bryn Mawr, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 1965. Her last will and testament and codicil thereto were admitted to probate in the State of Pennsylvania, and an authenticated copy of said will and codicil was allowed by the Probate Court for Hancock County, Maine, on April 5, 1966, and letters testamentary issued to the Executors on the same day. Under Section Eighth, Paragraph A, Subparagraph 1, of the will of said Ethel D. Colket, the Trustees are authorized to sell the hereinabove-described real property upon written direction fro her husband, Tristram C. Colket, and from her two children, Tristram C. Colket Jr. and Charlotte D. Colket.Written Direction to the Trustees to sell this property has been given by Tristram C. Colket, Tristram C. Colket Jr., and Charlotte D. Colket.
   Note: This deed appears to be the same as 1024:462–468.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: 1007:271–301
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 1021:355–359

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   Date: 12 September 1966
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Ruth L. Sleeper
   Grantees: Tristram C. Colket Jr. and Charlotte D. Colket
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street, together with the buildings thereon.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the Northern line of West Street in the Western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the Southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said Western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general Westerly and Southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less, but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the Northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said northerly line of said West Street;
         then Easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally Easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
         Meaning and intending to convey and hereby conveying the same premises described as conveyed to George S. Bowdoin by deeds as follows: from The Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, Executor (372:477 dated 10 March 1902); from The Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital (372:471 dated 28 February 1902); from Jeanie G. Dickson (372:483 dated 24 December 1901; from Harry G. Clay and Effingham B. Morris, Trustees (478:450 dated 17 March 1911); and from George Douglass Sherley (380:9 dated 4 March 1902).       Lot 2
         Beginning at the southeast corner of a brick pier on the northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
         Reference is hereby ade to deed from Helen N. Cough to Ethel D. Colket (698:483 dated 21 October 1944).
         Meaning and intending hereby to convey all and the same premises which were conveyed to the grantor herein by Tristram C. Colket, Tristram C. Colket Jr., John T. Dorrance Jr., and Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company as Trustees under, and by Tristram C. Colket and Tristram C. Colket Jr. as Executors of, the last will and testament of Ethel D. Colket, late of Bryn Mawr, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, deceased, by deed of recent date to be recorded in the Hancock County, Maine, Registry of Deeds.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1021:265–270
   Grantee Charlotte D. Colket disposed of her portion of this parcel via 1058:535–539

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   Date: 11 September 1967
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Charlotte D. Colket
   Grantee: Tristram C. Colket Jr.
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street, together with the buildings thereon.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the Northern line of West Street in the Western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the Southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said Western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general Westerly and Southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less, but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the Northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then Easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally Westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the Northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally Easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
      Lot 2
         Beginning at the Southeast corner of a brick pier on the Northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said Southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally Northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the Western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said Northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said Southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
   Grantor obtained a portion of this parcel via: 1026:355–350
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 1158:496–499

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   Date: 30 May 1974
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Francis P. Ahlblad
   Grantee: Leslie C. Brewer
   Description: a rectangular lot along Cadillac Avenue.
      Commencing on the eastern line of the P. W. Blanchfield lot, so called, and at the southwestern corner bound of a lot conveyed by Mary Ann Greely to Mark B. Grant;
      then in an easterly direction following the southern line of the said Grant lot 74 feet, more or less, to the western side of Cadillac Avenue;
      then in a southerly direction, but everywhere following the western side line of said Cadillac Avenue, 41 feet, more or less, to the northern side line of a 10-foot way;
      then in a westerly direction, but everywhere following the northern line of said way, 74 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of the said Blanchfield property;
      then in a northerly direction 39.5 feet, more or les, to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 770:129–771
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 1309:359–360

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   Date: 14 December 1972
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Tristram C. Colket Jr.
   Grantee: The Maine Seacoast Missionary Society
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street, together with the buildings thereon.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the Northern line of West Street in the Western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the Southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said Western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general Westerly and Southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the Northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then Easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally Westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the Northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally Easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
      Lot 2
         Beginning at the Southeast corner of a brick pier on the Northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said Southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally Northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the Western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said Northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said Southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1021:355–350 and 1058:535–595
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 6943:712–714

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   Date: 17 January 1978
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Leslie C. Brewer
   Grantee: Raymond E. Strout
   Description: a rectangular lot along Cadillac Avenue.
      Commencing on the eastern line of the P. W. Blanchfield lot, so called, and at the southwestern corner bound of a lot conveyed by Mary Ann Greely to Mark B. Grant;
      then in an easterly direction following the southern line of the said Grant lot 74 feet, more or less, to the western side of Cadillac Avenue;
      then in a southerly direction, but everywhere following the western side line of said Cadillac Avenue, 41 feet, more or less, to the northern side line of a 10-foot way;
      then in a westerly direction, but everywhere following the northern line of said way, 74 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of the said Blanchfield property;
      then in a northerly direction 39.5 feet, more or les, to the point of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1143:375–376
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 7251:613–614.

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   Date: 2 April 2019
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Maine Seacoast Mission (formerly known as The Maine Seacoast Missionary Society)
   Grantee: Bar Harbor Historical Society, Inc.
   Description: two lots, on north side of West Street plus buildings.
      Lot 1
         Beginning at a bolt set in the ground in the Northern line of West Street in the Western line of land formerly of George Douglass Sherley, said bolt being the Southeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then N 5° 40′ E but always following the said Western line of said Sherley, 268 feet, more or less, to a stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the herein described lot;
         then in a general Westerly and Southwesterly direction 500 feet, more or less but always following said high water mark of the shore to a stone bound set in the ground, said stone bound being the Northwest corner bound of the said lot herein described and at the point where the original Israel and Solomon Higgins lines met, in land formerly of Eddy;
         then S 50° W, but everywhere following land formerly of Eddy, 35.2 feet to a bolt set in the ground in line of land formerly of the Eden Swimming Pool Club;
         then S 8° E but always following line of land of said Eden Swimming Pool Club, 91.25 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 33.4 feet to a bolt set in the ground in an angle in said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then Easterly but always following said West Street 46.3 feet to a bolt set in the ground in the said Northerly line of said West Street;
         then in an Easterly direction but always following said West Street 391.6 feet to the bolt set in the ground at the place of beginning. Containing two acres, more or less.
         Together with the shore and flats in front of and adjacent to the above-described lot of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark of the shore, the said stone bound being the Northeast corner bound of the above-described lot of land;
         then N 5° 40′ E 354 feet, more or less, to low water mark of the Bay;
         then generally Westerly but everywhere following the line of said low water mark 162.25 feet, more or less;
         then S 35° 30′ W but everywhere following the western line of the shore or flats formerly of L. Taylor Dickson, 636 feet to the stone bound set in the ground at high water mark, at the Northwest corner of the lot of land above-described;
         then generally Easterly but everywhere following the line of high water mark to the stone bound at the point of beginning.
         The said parcel hereby conveyed being however subject to all the rights of the public in said West Street and said shore and flats, and also subject to any public easement of drainage legally existing in and through said described land, shore and flats.
      Lot 2
         Beginning at the Southeast corner of a brick pier on the Northern side of West Street, in the division line of land formerly of George S. Bowdoin and the herein described lot, as established by deed from George Douglass Sherley to the said George S. Bowdoin (380:9 dated 4 March 1902);
         then from said Southeast corner of said brick pier, but always following the said division line, N 5° 55′ E the two following distances to wit: first, 268 feet to the said stone post referred to in said deed at or near high water mark of Frenchman’s Bay; second, 356 feet, more or less, to low water mark of said bay;
         then generally Northeasterly, but always following said line of low water mark of said bay, to the Western line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson;
         then S 6° 20′ W but always following said line of land formerly of Caroline Blish Thompson, the two following distances, to wit: first, 371 feet, more or less, to said high water mark; second, 284.5 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the said Northerly line of West Street;
         then by said West Street N 84° 20′ W 108.3 feet to the said Southeast corner of said brick pier at the place of beginning.
         All of the premies hereby conveyed are conveyed subject to the rights of the public in and to all streets laid out over any part of said premises; and to the shore and flats herein conveyed.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1158:496–499
   Grantee is the current owner of this parcel.

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