Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - D22

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 17 October 2023)

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: Cornelius Thompson
   Description: 120 acres (with land enough allowed for 2 roads, one lengthways of his lot and the other crossways of his lot)
      Beginning at a maple tree, the bound between said [Cornelius] Thompson and the common land;
      running first S 57° W 258 rods to a rock maple tree;
      then N 63.5° W 10.5 rods to a hemlock tree;
      then N 27° E 30 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following the brook down to the mouth;
      then following the shore to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 6:511–512

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   Date: 8 August 1799
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Cornelius and Peggy Thompson
   Grantee: William Hull
   Description: 120 acres (with land enough allowed for 2 roads, one lengthways of his lot and the other crossways of his lot)
      Beginning at a maple tree, the bound between said [Cornelius] Thompson and the proprietors [referred to in 2:116–117 as the “common land”];
      running first S 57° W 258 rods to a rock maple tree;
      then N 63.5° W 10.5 rods to a hemlock tree;
      then N 27° E 30 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following the brook down to the mouth;
      then following the shore to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via 2:116–117
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 31:351–352

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   Date: 16 May 1805
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: William Hull
   Grantee: Samuel Hull
   Description: 120 acres (with land enough allowed for 2 roads, one lengthways of his lot and the other crossways of his lot)
      Beginning at a maple tree, the bound between Cornelius Thompson and the proprietors [referred to in 2:116–117 as the “common land”];
      running first S 57° W 258 rods to a rock maple tree;
      then N 63.5° W 10.5 rods to a hemlock tree;
      then N 27° E 30 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following the brook down to the mouth;
      then following the shore to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 6:511–512
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 37:76–77 and ???:???

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   Date: 2 April 1817
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Samuel Hull
   Grantee: Jeremiah Stevems
   Description: “an undivided moiety or half certain lot of land lying in said Eden and being the same lot of land on which I [Samuel Hull] now dwell and which was conveyed to me [Samuel Hull] by William Hull by deed recorded Book No. 31, page 351 ... and to him by Cornelius Thompson by deed recorded Book 6, Folio 311” ... “being the same lot of which I [Samuel Hull] have heretofore mortgaged an undivided moiety to said [Jeremiah] Stevens and his brother Joseph Stevens”
      Beginning at the shore of Frenchman Bay at a maple tree or stump, the original bound between said [Cornelius] Thompson and the Proprietors;
      then running S 57° W 258 rods to a rock maple tree;
      then N 63.5° W 10.5 rods to a hemlock tree;
      then N 27° E 30 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook between said lot and the Fish lot (so-called);
      then down the brook down to the mouth of it at the shore of Frenchman Bay;
      then along said shore as the same runs southeasterly to the said place of beginning.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 31:351–352
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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