Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - D21

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 17 March 2018)

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: Solomon Rider
   Description: 120 acres
      Beginning at the fence between Capt. [Solomon] Rider and Elisha Cousins, near the mouth of a small brook;
      from thence running first N 56.25° W 60 rods to a stake and stones;
      then S 33.75° W 4.75 rods;
      then N 60° W 20 rods to a small spruce;
      then S 27° W 260 rods to a pine tree;
      then S 63° E 80 rods to a spruce tree;
      then N 27° E 50 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following the brook to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 2:462–463

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Solomon Rider was the owner of record of this parcel at the time of the Peters Plan.

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   Date: 28 September 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Solomon Rider via Levi Higgins, his "lawful attorney"
   Grantee: Samuel Hull
   Description: 120 acres
      Beginning near the mouth of a small brook;
      from thence running first N 56.25° W 60 rods to a stake and stone;
      then S 33.75° W 4.75 rods;
      then N 62° W 20 rods to a small spruce;
      then S 27° W 260 rods to a pine tree;
      then S 63° E 80 rods to a spruce tree;
      then N 20° E 50 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following down [the] brook to the first mentioned bound.
   Note: There is a difference between the third compass direction (N 62° W) in this deed and the comparable direction (N 60° W) in 1:452–454 above, and a difference between the sixth compass directions: N 20° E in this deed and N 27° E in 1:452–454 above.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 1:452–454
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 5:397–398

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   Date: 27 April 1798
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Samuel Hull
   Grantee: Gilbert B. Fish
   Description: 120 acres
      Beginning near the mouth of a small brook by land of Elisha Cousins;
      thence running first N 56.25° W 60 rods to a stake and stones;
      then S 33.75° W 4.75 rods;
      then N 62° W 20 rods to a spruce tree;
      then S 27° W 260 rods to a pine tree;
      then S 63° E 80 rods to a spruce tree;
      then N 20° E 50 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 6° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following down the brook to the bound first mentioned together with one half of a saw mill standing on said brook and one half of the upper and lower dams on said brook with the privileges to the same belonging.
   Note: This deed followed deed 2:462–463 (immediately above) in the two discrepant compass directions and introduced a third difference from the original deed (1:452–454) at the top of this page, this time the last direction: S 6° E instead of S 60° E.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 2:462–464
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 10:455–457

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   Date: 4 May 1802
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Gilbert B. Fish
   Grantee: Josiah Baker
   Description: 120 acres
      Beginning near the mouth of a small brook by the land of Elisha Cousins;
      thence running first N 56.25° W 60 rods to a stake and stone;
      then S 33.75° W 4.75 rods;
      then N 62° W 20 rods to a spruce tree;
      then S 27° W 260 rods to a pine tree;
      then S 63° E 80 rods to a spruce tree;
      then N 20° E 50 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 6° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following down the brook to the bound first mentioned, together with one half of a saw mill standing on said brook and one half of the upper and lower dams on said brook with the privileges to the same belonging.
   Note: This deed followed deed 5:397–398 (immediately above) in its three discrepant compass directions.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: 5:397–398
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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[one or more deeds here]

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   Date: 1 July 1823
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Levi Theater
   Grantee: Edward Brewer
   Description: 120 acres
      Beginning near the mouth of a small brook by land now or formerly owned by Elisha Cousins;
      then running N 56.25° W 60 rods to a stake and stones;
      then S 33.75° W 4.75 rods;
      then N 62° W 20 rods to a spruce tree;
      then S 27° W 260 rods to a pine tree;
      then S 63° E 80 rods to a spruce tree;
      then N 20° E 50 rods;
      then N 20° E 16 rods;
      then N 41° E 10 rods;
      then N 29° E 12 rods;
      then N 20° E 17 rods;
      then N 36° E 26.5 rods;
      then S 60° E 4 rods to the brook;
      then following down the brook to the bound first mentioned, together with all the buildings standing on the same and all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging.
   Note: This deed followed deed 5:397–398 (above) in two of its three discrepant compass directions, but additionally it omitted a distance and a compass direction.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via: ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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