Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - C7
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 27 December 2023)
Date: 20 January 1846
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: Alexander Baring, Henry Baring, and Joseph R. Ingersoll (representing the estate of William Bingham)
Grantee: Alexander Higgins
Description: 99 acres and 136 square rods; lot #4 on Peters Plan
Beginning at a maple tree at the edge of the marsh, the westerly corner bound of lot #3, deeded to Cornelius Thomas;
running by said lot S 48° E 366 rods to a spruce tree on the line of Abraham Richardson's lot #26;
then by said lot #26 S 52° W 42 rods to a fir tree, the southeast corner bound of lot #5, sold to William B. Richards;
then by said lot #5 N 48° W 360 rods to a maple tree at the edge of the marsh;
then northerly by the marsh to the bound first mentioned.
Grantors obtained this parcel via ???:???
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 89:462 and ???:???
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Date: 11 January 1859
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: Alexander Higgins
Grantee: Eben Phippen
Description: 40 acres, more or less; part of lot #4 on Peters Plan
Beginning at a rock heap in Jones Marsh so-called at the southward of the bridge and on line of lot occupied by William B. Richards;
then following Richards’s line S 46° E 145 rods to a spruce tree spotted;
then at right angles northwardly and eastwardly to ine of lot occupied by Benjamin Thomas;
then by said Thomas’s line N 46° W to the edge of Jones Marsh;
Then by the edge of Jones Marsh;
Then by the edge of Jones Marsh southwesterly to the first bound.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 78:257–258
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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