Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - C26
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 25 May 2016)
The deed found in book 1 on pages 437–438 covered two parcels: C26 (back lot) and one whose location has not yet been determined. This web page follows transactions involving the back lot.
Date: 29 March 1792
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
Grantee: John Hamor
Description: 100 acres [unclear from deed if sum of both lots is 100 acres]; two lots
first lot:
Beginning at a spruce stump, the bounds between him [John Hamor] and John Cousins;
run first S 26° W 100 rods to a maple tree;
then run S 56.25° E 62 rods to a stake and stones;
then run N 32° W to the shore;
then [following] the shore to the first bound.
back lot (51 acres):
Begin at a poplar tree, at the northern corner of Smalledge’s as back lot;
run first S 33.75° W 80 rods to a birch tree;
then N 56.25° W 86 rods to a fir tree;
then N 33.75° E 95 rods to a birch tree;
then [S] 56.25° E 6 rods to DeGregoire’s line;
then following said line to the first bound.
Note: Of this back lot, 5 acres belong to Mary Hamor and 1 acre to David Hamor "so as to make their lots one hundred acres".
Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
Grantee disposed of this parcel via 79:40
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Date: 1 August 1845
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: Sarah Hamor
Grantee: Richard Hamor
Description: two lots
first lot:
Beginning at a spruce stump, the bounds between a lot formerly owned by John Hamor and John Cousins
run first S 26° W 100 rods to a maple tree;
then run S 56.25° E 62 rods to a stake and stones;
then run N 32° W to the shore;
then [following] the shore to the first bound.
back lot (51 acres):
Begin at a poplar tree, at the northern corner of Smalledge’s as back lot (so-called);
run first S 33.75° W 80 rods to a birch tree;
then N 56.25° W 86 rods to a fir tree;
then N 33.75° E 95 rods to a birch tree;
then S 56.25° E 6 rods to DeGregoire’s line;
then following said line to the first bound.
Grantor obtained this parcel via 1:437–438
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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