Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - B18
a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine 04644
(updated 27 July 2015)
Date: 4 April 1792
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
Grantees: Sarah Paine, William Mason, and Timothy Mason
Description: 100 acres, composed of two 50-acre lots: a “first lot” and a “back lot”, both described here; Subsequent deeds on this page follow only the “first lot”.
first lot (50 acres):
Beginning at a birch tree, the bound between him [Bartholomy DeGregoire] and Elkanah Young;
run first S 22.5° E 172 rods to a maple tree;
then N 67.5° E 48 rods to a maple tree;
then N 22.5° W to the shore;
then following the shore to the first mentioned bound.
“Sarah Paine’s back lot” (50 acres):
Begin at the northwest corner of Seth Doane’s back lot;
running first S 10° W 125 rods to a birch tree;
then N 80° W 64 rods;
then N 10° E 125 rods to a poplar tree;
then S 80° E 64 rods to the first bound.
Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
Grantees disposed of the northern half (i.e., 25 acres) of the first lot of this parcel via 8:353–354, and Sarah Paine disposed of her share of the southern half via 15:301–302
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Date: 3 July 1800
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantors: Sarah Paine and William Mason
Grantees: Benjamin Downs
Description: This deed conveyed two parcels, but only the one that was part of the “first lot” in 2:134–135 above is reported here.
Beginning at a birch tree at the shore between [the grantors Sarah Paine and William Mason] and Elkanah Young;
Running S 22.5° E to the county road;
then easterly by the road about 48 rods to Mr. Seth Doan[e]’s land;
then N 22.5° W to the shore;
then following the shore to the first bound;
"together with all the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging".
Grantors obtained this parcel via the “first lot” of 2:134–135
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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Date: 3 July 1800
Town: Bar Harbor
Grantor: Sarah Paine
Grantees: William Mason
Description: This deed conveyed two parcels, but only the one that was part of the "first lot" in 2:134–135 above is reported here. This is the portion of the "first lot" in 2:134–135 that was south of the county road.
Beginning at the northeast corner of Elkanah Young’s land, and on the south side of the county road;
then S 22° E to a maple tree;
then N 67° E 48 rods to a maple tree;
then N 22.5° W to the road;
then by the road westerly to the first-mentioned bound.
Grantor obtained this parcel via the “lfirst lot” of 2:134–135
Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???
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Summary of the above transactions:
1. Bartholomy DeGregoire and wife Maria Theresa DeGregoire conveyed two parcels, a shore lot (followed on this page) and a back lot (followed on a different page, to Sarah Paine, William Mason, and Timothy Mason.
2. It is uncertain, and will require further research to determine, how Timothy Mason’s share of the property was transferred to Sarah Paine and William Mason.
3. At some point in time, to be determined, the county road passed through the shore lot, dividing it into a northern half and a southern half.
4. Co-owners Sarah Paine and William Mason conveyed the northern half to Benjamin Downs.
5. Sarah Paine conveyed her share of the southern half to William Mason, leaving him with sole ownership of that half.
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