Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - B14

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 27 July 2015)

The deed for this parcel has not yet been located. However, we do have the deeds for the sale by Ebenezer Leland of the two lots into which he broke the original parcel: one lot (90 acres more or less; see 2:464 below) being the eastern "half" and the other lot (100 acres more or less; see 2:420 below) being the western “half”. The compass direction of the east bound of the eastern lot (S 24° W) is the same as the compass direction (though in the opposite direction) of the boundary of the adjoining parcel belonging to Joseph Hopkins. The eastern lot was sold first and mentioned that its western bound was the land still owned at that time by Ebenezer Leland. The deed for the western lot mentioned that the eastern bound of that lot was land of Samuel Hull, the person to whom Ebenezer Leland sold the eastern lot. That second deed also mentions that the original 200-acre parcel was purchased by Ebenezer Leland from “B. DeGregoire, Esqr.” on 28 March 1792. From this information, we can reconstruct the original deed as follows:

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: Ebenezer Leland
   Description: 200 acres; unnumbered on the Peters Plan; the following description reconstructed from 2:464 and 2:420–421
      Beginning at a fence, the bound between Ebenezer Leland and Joseph Hopkins;
      running first S 24° W 198 rods;
      then N 63° W 191 rods to Ezra Leland's line;
      then by Ezra Leland's lot to the shore;
      then following the shore to the bound first mentioned.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of the eastern portion of this parcel via 2:464 and the western portion via 2:420–421

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   Date: 12 March 1793
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Ebenezer Leland
   Grantee: Samuel Hull
   Description: 90 acres, more or less; eastern portion of original Ebenezer Leland parcel at Emery Cove [just west of Salisbury Cove]
      Beginning at a fence, the bound between Ebenezer Leland and Joseph Hopkins;
      running first S 24° W 198 rods, which brings [one] to the Mill Pond;
      then N 63° W 95 rods [to the line of Ebenezer Leland];
      then runs adjoining the said Ebenezer Leland's lot to a pine tree marked with an "E" in presence of Ebenezer Salisbury;
      then on the shore to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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   Date: 25 November 1793
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: Ebenezer Leland
   Grantee: Ezra Leland
   Description: 100 acres, more or less; western portion of original Ebenezer Leland parcel at Emery Cove [just west of Salisbury Cove]
      Beginning at the shore at a marked pine X;
      then running by land sold by the said Ebenezer [Leland] to Samuel Hull, to the head of the 200-acres lot the said Ebenezer [Leland] purchased of B. DeGregoire Esq. as appears by deed bearing date 28 March 1792;
      then by the head of said lot 96 rods to Ezra Leland's lot;
      then by Ezra Leland's lot to the shore;
      then by the shore to the bound first mentioned.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via ???:???
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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