Deeds of Mount Desert Island
Peters Plan - A3

a project of
V. F. Thomas Co. - P. O. Box 84 - Hulls Cove, Maine  04644

(updated 29 December 2023)

   Date: 28 March 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantors: Bartholomy DeGregoire and Maria Theresa DeGregoire
   Grantee: John Thomas
   Description: 100 acres
      Beginning at a large hemlock between him, the said John, and Aur[...] Thomas;
      running first S 30° E 204 rods to a stake;
      then S 53° W 67 rods to Nicholas Thomas’s line;
      then N 37° W 208 rods to the shore;
      then following the shore to the first mentioned bound.
   Grantors obtained this parcel via: grant from the General Court of Massachusetts
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via 6:260–261

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   Date: 18 October 1792
   Town: Bar Harbor
   Grantor: John Thomas
   Grantee: John Thomas Jr.
   Description: 100 acres; “my lot of one hundred acres of land which I now possess as a settler on this island together with my dwelling house, barn, and out houses”
      Said lot is bounded as by one deed of Bartholomew [sic] de Gregoire, Esq., & Maria Theresa, his wife, may be seen.
   Note: In addition to the above land and buildings, this deed conveyed “all my cattle, sheep, and stock of all kinds; all my wearing apparel; one desk; my gun; the larger Bible; a book entitled the Young Man’s Companion; and all my farming tools”.
   Grantor obtained this parcel via 6:257–258
   Grantee disposed of this parcel via ???:???

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