Amphibians in Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata)

a project of
Maine Natural History Observatory
reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory

(updated 11 March 2025)

Welcome to the Maine Reptile checklist.
Maine is home to 19 species in 16 genera in 6 families in 3 orders.

Below is a working checklist of reptiles that live in Maine or in the adjacent. For more information about a particular species, click on the link under the heading “common name”, and you will be taken to a page for the order that includes that species. Otherwise, to determine which order the reptile that you are trying to identify belongs to, refer to the tabular key at the bottom of this page.

How to contribute to this page. Please e-mail corrections and updates to or send them to the address at the top of this page. Photographs are encouraged. Thank you.

A little work by each of us will save a lot of work for all of us.

Order Family Genus Specific Epithet Authority Common Name Source
(full citation given after this table)
Testudines Chelydridae Chelydra serpentina (L.) snapping turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 121–125, 222.
Testudines Kinosternidae Sternotherus odoratus (Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille) common musk turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 126–129, 222.
Testudines Emydidae Chrysemys picta (Schneider) eastern painted turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 130–133, 223.
Testudines Emydidae Clemmys guttata (Schneider) spotted turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 134–137, 223.
Testudines Emydidae Clemmys insculpta (LeConte) wood turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 138–143, 224.
Testudines Emydidae Emydoidea blandingii (Holbrook) Blanding’s turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 144–147, 224.
Testudines Emydidae Terrapene carolina (L.) eastern box turtle Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 148–151, 225.
Testudines Cheloniidae Caretta caretta (L.) loggerhead Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 154–156.
Testudines Cheloniidae Lepidochelys kempii (Garman) Atlantic Ridley Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 156–158.
Testudines Dermochelyidae Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli) leatherback Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 152–154.
Serpentes Colubridae Coluber consrictor L. eastern racer Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 161–164, 225.
Serpentes Colubridae Diadophis punctatus (L.) ring-necked snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 165–167, 226.
Serpentes Colubridae Lampropeltis triangulum (Lacépède) milk snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 168–170; 226.
Serpentes Colubridae Opheodrys vernalis (Harlan) smooth green snake Hunter et al. (1999) as Liochloophis vernalis; pp. 171–173, 227.
Serpentes Colubridae Nerodia sipedon (L.) northern water snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 174–177, 227.
Serpentes Colubridae Storeria dekayi (Holbrook) brown snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 178–180, 228.
Serpentes Colubridae Storeria occipitomaculata (Storer) redbelly snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 181–183, 228.
Serpentes Colubridae Thamnophis saurita (L.) ribbon snake Hunter et al. (1999) as Thamnophis sauritus; pp. 184–187, 229.
Serpentes Colubridae Thamnophis sirtalis (L.) common garter snake Hunter et al. (1999); pp. 188–191, 229.

   Hunter et al. (1999) = Hunter, Malcom L. Jr., Aram J. K. Calhoun, and Mark McCollough (eds.). 1999 (second edition). Maine Amphibians and Reptiles. (ISBN 0-89101-096-3)

Key to the orders of reptiles that live in Maine
present (4)