Order Rodentia in Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Rodentia)

a project of
Maine Natural History Observatory
reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory

(updated 1 February 2025)

The page below is part of the Maine Biota Project of the Maine Natural History Observatory and is reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory.

You are invited to send to info@vfthomas.com additions/corrections to the list of mammals as well as information for the tabular key at the bottom of this page that will help distinguish one order from another. Also, information is needed for pages that are linked to below. This page will be updated as your input is received. When this page has been substantially expanded/improved, it will replace the current page now on the website of the Maine Natural History Observatory. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Order Rodentia in Maine
Maine is home to 15 species in 13 genera in 5 families.

If you know which species you have or are interested in learning about, click on the appropriate species link below. Otherwise, to determine which genus that the animal you are trying to identify belongs to, refer to the tabular key immediately below the species list.

Family Castoridae (1 genus, 1 species)
   Castor (1 species)
      Castor canadensis - American beaver
Family Dipodidae (2 genera, 2 species)
   Napaeozapus (1 species)
      Napaeozapus insignis - woodland jumping mouse
   Zapus (1 species)
      Zapus hudsonius - meadow jumping mouse
Family Erethizontidae (1 genus, 1 species)
   Erethizon (1 species)
      Erethizon dorsatum - common porcupine
Family Muridae (4 genera, 5 species)
   Clethrionomys (1 species)
      Clethrionomys gapperi - southern red-backed vole
   Peromyscus (2 species)
      Peromyscus leucopus - white-footed mouse
      Peromyscus maniculatus - deer mouse
   Rattus (1 species)
      Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat
   Synaptomys (1 species)
      Synaptomys cooperi - southern bog lemming
Family Sciuridae (5 genera, 6 species)
   Glaucomys (2 species)
      Glaucomys sabrinus - northern flying squirrel
      Glaucomys volans - southern flying squirrel
   Marmota (1 species)
      Marmota monax - woodchuck
   Sciurus (1 species)
      Sciurus carolinensis - eastern gray squirrel
   Tamias (1 species)
      Tamias striatus - eastern chipmunk
   Tamiasciurus (1 species)
      Tamiasciurus hudsonicus - red squirrel

Key to the families of Order Rodentia in Maine
tail cross-section tail covering tail length char. 4 habitat
Castoridae flat scales shorter than body land, water
Dipodidae round very short hair extremely long (approx. 1.5x body length) land
Erethizontidae round hair, quills shorter than body land, trees
Muridae round very short hair shorter than to equal body land
Sciuridae round long hair (bushy) equal to or longer than body land, trees

Castoridae ([common name])
[information to be added]

Castor (beaver)
[information to be added]

Castor canadensis (American beaver) dam at outlet of Lower Breakneck Pond and lodge (behind).

(click on image to enlarge)

Dipodidae ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Key to the genera of Family Dipodidae in Maine
tail tip char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
Napaeozapus white
Zapus dark

Napaeozapus ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Napaeozapus insignis (woodland jumping mouse)

Zapus ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Zapus hudsonius (meadow jumping mouse)

Erethizontidae ([common name])
[information to be added]

Erethizon (porcupine)
[information to be added]

Erethizon dorsatum (common porcupine) - (lower left) at the edge of a carriage road in Acadia National Park; (lower right; photo by Sharon Knopp) skeleton in woods behind Sand Beach at Acadia National Park.
(click on an image to enlarge)

Muridae ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Key to the genera of Family Muridae in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Clethrionomys ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Clethrionomys gapperi (northern red-backed vole) - [information to be added]

Peromyscus ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Peromyscus in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
P. leucopus
P. maniculatus

Peromyscus leucopus (white-footed mouse) - [information to be added]

Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) - [information to be added]

Rattus (rat)
[information to be added]

Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) - [information to be added]

Synaptomys (bog lemming)
[information to be added]

Synaptomys cooperi (southern bog lemming) - [information to be added]

Sciuridae ([common name])
[information to be added]

Glaucomys (flying squirrel)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Glaucomys in Maine
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
G. sabrinus
G. volans

Glaucomys sabrinus (northern flying squirrel) - [information to be added]

Glaucomys volans (southern flying squirrel) - [information to be added]

Marmota ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Marmota monax (woodchuck) - [information to be added]

Sciurus ([common name?])
[information to be added]

Sciurus carolinensis (eastern gray squirrel) is relatively more common in built up areas (e.g., lawns and parks).
(click on an image to enlarge)

Tamias (chipmunk)
[information to be added]

Tamias striatus (eastern chipmunk)

(click on image to enlarge)

Tamiasciurus (squirrel)
[information to be added]

Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (red squirrel) is a common resident of the spruce-fir forests of Maine.

(click on image to enlarge)