Family Icteridae reported in Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves, Order Passeriformes)

a project of
Maine Natural History Observatory
reproduced here with the permission of the Observatory

(updated 21 February 2025)

You are invited to send to additions/corrections to the list of birds in Family Icteridae as well as information for the tabular keys on this page that will help distinguish one taxon from another.

Order Passeriformes, Family Icteridae - blackbirds and orioles
In Maine, 14 species in 8 genera in 1 family have been reported. Click on a link below or scroll down for more information.

Family Icteridae
   Xanthocephalus (1 species)
      Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus - Yellow-headed Blackbird
   Dolichonix (1 species)
      Dolichonyx oryzivorus - Bobolink
   Sturnella (2 species)
      Sturnella magna - Eastern Meadowlark
      Sturnella neglecta - Western Meadowlark
   Icterus (3 species)
      Icterus spurius - Orchard Oriole
      Icterus bullockii - Bullock’s Oriole
      Icterus galbula - Baltimore Oriole
   Agelaius (1 species)
      Agelaius phoeniceus - red-winged blackbird
   Molothrus (3 species)
      Molothrus bonariensis - Shiny Cowbird
      Molothrus aeneus - Bronzed Cowbird
      Molothrus ater - brown-headed cowbird
   Euphagus (2 species)
      Euphagus carolinus - Rusty Blackbird
      Euphagus cyanocephalus - Brewer’s Blackbird
   Quiscalus (1 species)
      Quiscalus quisculaa - Common Grackle

Family Icteridae (common name?)
[information to be added]

Key to the genera of Family Icteridae in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5

Xanthocephalus (Blackbird)
[information to be added]

Xanthocephalus xanthoephalus (Yellow-headed Blackbird) - [information to be added]

Dolichonyx (common name?)
[information to be added]

Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Bobolink) - [information to be added]

Sturnella (Meadowlark)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Sturnella in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
S. magna
S. neglecta

Sturnella magna (Eastern Meadowlark) - [information to be added]

Sturnella neglecta (Western Meadowlark) - This species is rare in Maine.

Icterus (Oriole)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Icterus in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
I. spurius
I. bullockii
I. galbula

Icterus spurius (Orchard Oriole) - [information to be added]

Icterus bullockii (Bullock’s Oriole) - This species is rare in Maine.

Icterus galbula (Baltimore Oriole) - [information to be added]

Agelaius (Blackbird)
[information to be added]

Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-winged Blackbird)

(click on image to enlarge)

Molothrus (Cowbird)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Molothrus in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
M. bonariensis
M. aeneus
M. ater

Molothrus bonariensis (Shiny Cowbird) - This species is rare in Maine.

Molothrus aeneus (Bronzed Cowbird) - This species is rare in Maine.

Molothrus ater (Brown-headed Cowbird) - [information to be added]

Euphagus (Blackbird)
[information to be added]

Key to the species of Euphagus in Maine (to be completed)
char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4 char. 5
E. carolinus
E. cyanocephalus

Euphagus carolinus (Rusty Blackbird) - [information to be added]

Euphagus cyanocephalus (Brewer’s Blackbird) - This species is rare in Maine.

Quiscalus (Grackle)
[information to be added]

Quiscalus quiscula (Common Grackle)

(click on image to enlarge)